Running PC's on a Mac

in macOS edited January 2014
Two Apple reps held a two hour Mac seminar at the college where I teach.

Great. They demonstrated several of Tiger's apps. Blew my mind.

THEN, they discussed running PC's on a Mac. Three methods:

Double boot, of course, with BootCamp.

Parallel (single boot)

AND a new way: No need for double boot BootCamp or Parallel. No emulation or translation. No Rosetta Stone-like application.

Apple is working on a way to run any other app, Mac or PC, natively. That stole the show.


  • Reply 1 of 51
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    I don't believe you. Sorry.
  • Reply 2 of 51
    my only concern is that companies like adobe would drop their mac os versions and then say bye bye to cocoa, and the aqua interface systemwide..
  • Reply 3 of 51
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by sequitur

    Two Apple reps held a two hour Mac seminar at the college where I teach.

    Yes, of course...instead of showing it to the world, they showed it to people where you 'teach'. Apple aaaaalways shows off their great innovations that way.
  • Reply 4 of 51
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    I don't believe you. Sorry.

    What don't you believe? That I was at the seminar; that the Apple reps said what they did; or that I was lying about what they said?
  • Reply 5 of 51
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    Yes, of course...instead of showing it to the world, they showed it to a bunch of nobodies at some crappy Clown College where you 'teach'. Apple aaaaalways shows off their great innovations that way.

    I teach at the largest college in the U.S. The people that attended the Mac seminar were Mac techs, PC techs and computer instructors. The reps said they do go around to the big colleges to expound on what's new.

    The reps weren't showing the application. They just said it was in the works.
  • Reply 6 of 51
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by sequitur

    What don't you believe? That I was at the seminar; that the Apple reps said what they did; or that I was lying about what they said?

    I don't believe that Apple previewed new, as-yet unreleased technology to your group. If I'm wrong, then tell us about it.
  • Reply 7 of 51
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by sequitur

    I teach at the largest college in the U.S. The people that attended the Mac seminar were Mac techs, PC techs and computer instructors. The reps said they do go around to the big colleges to expound on what's new.

    The reps weren't showing the application. They just said it was in the works.

    Was this before or after you got them drunk?
  • Reply 8 of 51
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator

    I teach at the largest college in the U.S.

    Even if he taught at the University of Florida in Gainesville, that's only the 4th biggest college in the US. Wiki's never wrong:

    Seriously though, give the guy a break. What would he have to gain by coming in here and lying about something like this? He would know that doing anything like this as a hoax would of course make him a community pariah.

    I admit though it would be nice if the details were elaborated a bit. If the show was two hours long, surely they just didn't pop the PC thing in at the last 5 minutes.

    Did they give a clue as to how they would run PC apps native? You'd certainly have to have some sort of Windows software in there.
  • Reply 9 of 51
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member

    Originally posted by Marvin

    He's lyin'. Even if he taught at the University of Florida in Gainesville, that's only the 4th biggest college in the US. Wiki's never wrong:

    Seriously though, give the guy a break. What would he have to gain by coming in here and lying about something like this? He would know that doing anything like this as a hoax would of course make him a community pariah.

    I admit though it would be nice if the details were elaborated a bit. If the show was two hours long, surely they just didn't pop the PC thing in at the last 5 minutes.

    Did they give a clue as to how they would run PC apps native? You'd certainly have to have some sort of Windows software in there.

    Miami Dade College, a state-supported college with eight campuses and numerous outreach centers,is the largest institution of higher education in the United States and one of the most highly regarded colleges in the nation


    Total students served during 2004-05. . . . . . . . . 164,786

    That was last year. Enrollment is up this year.
  • Reply 10 of 51
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    2 words: 9 posts.

    Too bad you don't know the difference between a college and a university. This is from Wiki:

    Miami Dade College opened another campus in Miami-Dade County's western region on March 1, 2006. It is located right off the Florida Turnpike and NW 41st Street. The Hialeah Center has become a full campus, which means that expansion may be necessary. The College is also looking for sources of funding so that it could fund current and perhaps future baccalaureate programs.

    Miami Dade College enrolls approximately 160,000 students.

    Tell me what college enrolls more.
  • Reply 11 of 51
    thininethinine Posts: 71member
    Even if what you say is true, the people who give those presentations don't know anything about internal Apple projects, especially the secret ones.
  • Reply 12 of 51
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member

    Originally posted by Thinine

    Even if what you say is true, the people who give those presentations don't know anything about internal Apple projects, especially the secret ones.

    You can believe that if I ever get any other information of any kind that I won't pass it on to AppleInsider. You guys attacked me like a pack of wild dogs. You called me a liar, a nobody, insulted the place where I work, made fun of me, etc.

    You sounded like the church when it attacked Galileo for saying the earth revolved around the sun.

    I thought this was a forum for Mac people to help each other. I didn't know it was an excuse to kick newcomers.
  • Reply 13 of 51
    sequitur, sorry about the first impression we made. And kim kap sol, attacking someone's credibility because of a low post count is a cheap shot IMO. Some of us prefer to be lurkers.

    Anyway, what exactly about the Tiger app demo "blew your mind"?
  • Reply 14 of 51
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator

    Originally posted by sequitur

    You can believe that if I ever get any other information of any kind that I won't pass it on to AppleInsider. You guys attacked me like a pack of wild dogs. You called me a liar, a nobody, insulted the place where I work, made fun of me, etc.

    You sounded like the church when it attacked Galileo for saying the earth revolved around the sun.

    I thought this was a forum for Mac people to help each other. I didn't know it was an excuse to kick newcomers.

    Kim Kap Sol treats everybody that way. But c'mon if you work at the biggest US college then surely you are smart enough to appreciate that having a low post count and posting information like this (which is rather vague) and then instead of elaborating your info, try to defend yourself, it doesn't sound very genuine.

    So in order to relieve the situation, all you need to do is give us some more information about the presentation, which is the subject of the thread.

    If I can explain further, there has been speculation that Apple will make software like this for a while now and all you have literally said is that you heard a presentation where Apple folks said they are making such software. In a similar light, I can tell you that I met up with an Apple rep yesterday and he confirmed that he saw an Apple tablet with motion sensing. I'm of course lying about this but how would you know? You just have to accept that your info is too vague or expand on it.

    Nobody is criticizing you for being new and if the information is genuine then I'm sure the community is very appreciative that you decided to share it. Can you at least say how they are going to do it?
  • Reply 15 of 51
    daffy_duckdaffy_duck Posts: 248member
    Well, the title itself suggests the poster is not exactly a computer enthusiast. Run a PC on a Mac? A Mac is a PC. And they are both terms for hardware, not software.
  • Reply 16 of 51
    Daffy_Duck, we realize that the term PC technically stands for Personal Computer, but as Apple's current ad campaign demonstrates, its meaning has evolved--it now stands for Windows-based computers.
  • Reply 17 of 51
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member

    Originally posted by sequitur

    AND a new way: No need for double boot BootCamp or Parallel. No emulation or translation. No Rosetta Stone-like application. Apple is working on a way to run any other app, Mac or PC, natively. That stole the show.


    - Most (as in 99.9%) of Apples employees have NO IDEA what UNRELEASED products/features Apple has on the stove.

    - Even those employees that may have had an off chance of "HEARING SOMETHING" are so in fear of loosing their job rarely repeat it except perhaps in very tight and trustworthy circles.

    - Everyone knows that if it's a cool and unreleased product, upgrade and/or product feature STEVE is going to be the man doing the reveal and only at a time and place HE thinks is appropriate.


    Given the fact that you are at the largest college in the US I'm finding it hard to believe you were the only person who is 'reporting' on this.

    Your report just doesn't hold water my friend... Apple can't even fart in public without making the news and yet you'd have us believe some unnamed Apple reps doing the college circuit are outing new and unheard of technology improvements and improvements as big as that?!?!


    Oh and getting back to the 'dirt in question':

    Run PC on a Mac (I'm going to assume PC was meant to be Windows)

    - No Emulation

    - No Translation

    - No Virtualization (Parallels)

    - No Rosetta Stone-like application.

    - No dual boot (BootCamp)

    What's left Fairy Dust?

  • Reply 18 of 51
    daffy_duckdaffy_duck Posts: 248member

    Originally posted by chartpacs

    Daffy_Duck, we realize that the term PC technically stands for Personal Computer, but as Apple's current ad campaign demonstrates, its meaning has evolved--it now stands for Windows-based computers.

    Point taken but the title still doesn't make sense.

    "I ran my VHS player on my DVD player."

    Does that make sense? Only if you physically place one on top of another. My point is that the original poster doesn't seem to have mastered the concept here: running SOFTWARE from one OS on another OS. Hardware means little since Macs now have the same architecture as Windows machines.

    This is a small point perhaps but for this to be believable, the poster has to establish some credibility and he hasn't done that for me.
  • Reply 19 of 51
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    This boils down to

    - the reps did say something like "wouldn't it be great if the next thing was for OS X to run Windows apps directly", and that got interpreted (as the rep intended) as "Leopard will have a built-in Windows API"

    - the reps said flat-out that it would have it, but they were just blowing smoke because they read it on one of the Mac sites.

    As others have pointed out,

    - if they said it, either they are spilling info they aren't supposed to have, and Steve will fire them and then sue them, or they are just making it up.

    - Prior to WWDC, Steve would never authorize the reps to have feature information on Leopard. Only the execs and the engineers know these things before WWDC.

    But of course we all know these things, since we are hypervigilant Apple watchers for 20+ years.
  • Reply 20 of 51
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member

    Originally posted by lundy

    hypervigilant Apple watchers for 20+ years.

    If by 'hypervigilant' you really mean insane freaks with WAY too much time on our hands... Then yes I too agree! (myself included)
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