slow bcause only 1 gig of ram

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
my ram is 1 gig PM DC 2.0ghz

my HD is half used ...about 73 gig left ..

with this condition should i upgrade my ram up to 3 gig...

beacause if i open some small application and photoshop + ilustrator suddenly my ram is about 30 mb left....ussually its not like that..

and a few days ago i DL ram turbo from union softwere...

it doesnt effect at all, and juz make it worst (out of ram in freehand application)

the widgets only eat 130 mb of memory, bittorent 23mb, himmelbar + itunes 40mb Adobe ilustrator 81mb photoshop 41 mb, safari 21 mb,audium (somekind of msn messenger) 17 mb, gimesome tune 11 mb, finder (not open even a) 19.51 , window server (i dont know what is this.. but it takes the most prossecor power) 47 mb ... kernel task 94mb...okay thats about all..others is just kb..

total is ...524.51 mb ..

but the wired is 112mb + active app is 383..= almost 1 gig acctualy..

arghhh i dunno the point is is it normal worked slow while using design stuff ,,,,esspecially freehand etc (out of ram...) 1 gig is not enough if your HD is used about half...or is it my memory is the problem...

cuz its wierd even i closed the photoshop and ilustrator...the momory is only 135 mb left... all i wanna know is HD effect with ram usage or not?


  • Reply 1 of 12
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    OS X aggressively caches stuff, so it is normal not to have much free, even if you've got loads of RAM. After all, you paid for it, so the computer might as well use it, right?

    In your case, I'd definitely recommend getting more RAM. If you are using pro apps all day, get as much as you can afford. Make sure it is all in matched pairs.

    Good luck.
  • Reply 2 of 12
    im-0nim-0n Posts: 47member
    i thought 1 gig is quite enough...but ...well i think im gonna add more ram ..

    2 gigs more is enough ? ... its better than turning off my i tunes, and bittorent or safari just 4 more memory space...

    btw u havent answers my last question...does it have to do with used 1/2 hard disk space... i used 73 gb from 160 gb ...could this be the cause eating ram memory...and caches stuff..?
  • Reply 3 of 12
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member

    Originally posted by iM-0N

    2 gigs more is enough ?

    Buy as much as you can afford


    Originally posted by iM-0N

    btw u havent answers my last question...does it have to do with used 1/2 hard disk space

    No, it doesn't have anything to do with how much disk space you've used.
  • Reply 4 of 12
    im-0nim-0n Posts: 47member
    is there a way to use my ram more efficiently? free softwere like ram turbo or something...for mac 0s tiger not a demo like Tiger cache cleaner...
  • Reply 5 of 12
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    WHOA people - like Mr. H. said, RAM Mac OS X is SUPPOSED to always be almost "full" - that is a feature. Like he said, you paid for it, why do you want the system not to use it?

    To see if you "need" more RAM, open Activity Monitor and click the System Memory tab, then look at how many Pageouts there are under "Page ins/outs".
  • Reply 6 of 12
    im-0nim-0n Posts: 47member
    i still not understand the feature...cuz even if im not using anything,one or two widgets, no application running, just 1 download manager...i takes all my 1 gig RAM? wtf IS THIS funny feature...if that the case im afraid buying more ram will be anything useful...i think i will try with 2 gig of ram...

    and see what happens...

  • Reply 7 of 12
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member

    Originally posted by iM-0N

    i still not understand the feature...cuz even if im not using anything,one or two widgets, no application running, just 1 download takes all my 1 gig RAM?

    How are you determining that it is "taking all your RAM"?
  • Reply 8 of 12
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by iM-0N

    i still not understand the feature...cuz even if im not using anything,one or two widgets, no application running, just 1 download manager...i takes all my 1 gig RAM? wtf IS THIS funny feature...if that the case im afraid buying more ram will be anything useful...i think i will try with 2 gig of ram...

    and see what happens...

    We explained it already. Mac OS X caches everything it can. The better question is, why do you want the RAM that you paid for to sit there unused? What possible purpose is there in having unused RAM?

    Yes, if you get 2GB it will try to fill it up. That is by design.
  • Reply 9 of 12

    Originally posted by iM-0N

    i still not understand the feature...cuz even if im not using anything,one or two widgets, no application running, just 1 download manager...i takes all my 1 gig RAM? wtf IS THIS funny feature...if that the case im afraid buying more ram will be anything useful...i think i will try with 2 gig of ram...

    and see what happens...

    check your inactive RAM. there is a difference between free and inactive.. even if you almost no "free" ram you might have a lot of "inactive" RAM, which would be used if you start up any process that needs it.. If you check the pie chart under activity monitor you might notice a lot of "inactive" ram.. which is why your RAM appears to be all used up.. For instance at the moment I have 303 mb of active RAM, and 305 mb of inactive RAM, leaving only 290 mb "free", but the inactive RAM would become available to use IF I needed it.

    What I can say though, is that in any case it has nothing to do with your HD.
  • Reply 10 of 12
    im-0nim-0n Posts: 47member
    i mac osX is more efficient than windows right? cuz it's optimizing the RAM in mac os X there is no need to restart my computer to fill the inactive's waiting to be used... it the same as available RAM in windows...\ thanks, now i get wonder my ram is always about 15mb free...cuz its all being prepared to be used...
  • Reply 11 of 12
    this article has all the answers you need mate:
  • Reply 12 of 12
    im-0nim-0n Posts: 47member
    gee..thanks a lot...
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