How about a standalone Macbook keyboard?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I like the design of the Macbook keyboard in that there are no gaps between the keys. So much dirt, dust and hair collects in my Apple Pro Keyboard. My keys also stick if I don't press them exactly vertically, which is really annoying. It feels like they are seizing up. I guess it's something to do with the key height. I like low down keys so you don't have to press them all that hard to get a response. I imagine it would make for quieter typing too.

On top of those things, I'd like to see some other features. The main one being to make it lighter and smaller (possibly have size options). I'd like a keyboard where I can reach all the keys including the numpad without moving my hands much. Does anyone remember the Psion palmtop:

I want a keyboard that small for my desktop. It might even be customizable for an ipod. If you're a writer maybe then you can write stories on the move or rename tracks.

I'd also like a return of the power key on the keyboard. The new Macs have power keys in really awkward places.


  • Reply 1 of 36
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    When the new Intel Mac Pro towers are released, I'd expect new screens and perhaps keyboards and mice then too.

    The iMac still comes in white, but I'd expect Apple to start selling a Pro mouse and Pro keyboard as that is not overly complex, would probably be popular, and is an easy money maker.

    Probably wouldn't be white though... rather Pro metals.
  • Reply 2 of 36
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    The title of this thread is a bit unclear. Are you suggesting apple will/should bring out a new keyboard with the MacPro. Something more sleek and flat!

    Do you think apple will bring out a new keyboard with the next iMac?

  • Reply 3 of 36
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Yes, there are tons of laptop keyboards for the desktop, but the Macbook keyboard is unlike most laptop keyboards.
  • Reply 4 of 36
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    I think the Mac Pro's keyboard needs to be designed with a tactile response just like the keyboards of Apple old...
  • Reply 5 of 36
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    I think the Mac Pro's keyboard needs to be designed with a tactile response just like the keyboards of Apple old...

  • Reply 6 of 36
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    I like the keyboard on the new MacBook. The one that ships with current desktop Macs is terrible. I got a G5 in November and never even took the Apple keyboard out of its wrapper. So, if you're suggesting Apple make a new one based on the MacBook design, I'm all for it. It needs to be flat though, not tilted back like the current Apple keyboard.
  • Reply 7 of 36
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,467moderator
    Yeah, sorry for not being clear enough. I was suggesting Apple should make a new keyboard to replace the ones they ship with their Macs.

    I think I've always hated my Apple Pro keyboard.

    I've looked at the other keyboards available and when I came across the tactile pro, I thought I might buy it. Then I looked at the price tag and thought the same as midwinter.

    I've looked at so many keyboard alternatives - even the little frog keypad - but PC keyboards don't usually have USB ports and they tend to break easy. Plus they have the Windows keys on them and I wouldn't be sure everything would work as it does on the Mac keyboard.

    Those slimline metal keyboards look great. I've never seen the need for media keys though. If they were just programmable buttons then ok but you could just make two rows of function keys.

    Does anybody use a PC keyboard with their Mac? If so, what kind is it and does it work ok with everything?

    The main things I want are low key height, USB ports and a small form factor. Does anybody know of a Mac compatible keyboard like that under £50?

    I just found this one that looks quite good:

    but as usual, I don't know if it's Mac compatible (i.e programmable for say volume buttons) nor if it has USB ports.

    Here's one specifically for Mac:

    but why are they always so expensive? Plus that one has tall keys again.

    There's also:

    but people have had trouble with them with Macs.

    The extra USB ports are not a big issue as I can get a hub but it would be easier if they had two ports built-in.
  • Reply 8 of 36
    i THINK i can understand where your comming from, but REALLY... is it SO hard to ADAPT?

    i play guitar and have several different types... id say the one i have played the most is my favorite.. but im just used to the sound and the FEEL. but it doesnt mean i cant adapt to the other ones when i play them.

    i've had different types of keyboard when i was using a PC and they were ok, they were what i was used to .. but the mac keyboard (the standard white one you havent even opened to TRY) was a revelation... at first i missed a few keys cos its a LOT smaller IMO the keys are very close together... but after a week or so i just adapted now when i switch to the ibook or my brothers MBP i miss a few keys cos they are slightly different again.. but i ADAPT.

    its not hard, but then i use the mac keyboard an atari keyboard and 2 PC keyboards (PC less and less) every day so im used to it.

    no flame intended, i just get fed up reading all these people moaning about the smallest things


  • Reply 9 of 36
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Marvin, the MacAlly Icekey is very nice. Its scissor keys are good but a little stiffer than a PowerBook or MacBook keyboard. The Kensington Slim Type Mac is better but doesn't have any USB ports. I've used and "adapted" to both and they're nice keyboards. Both are designed for use with Macs.

    Trandannoyer, yes I can usually adapt to any keyboard. I don't type a lot, so I can use anything for a time. However, the standard Apple Keyboard that ships with desktop Macs is poorly designed. It leans toward you instead of being flat or leaning away. This has been proven to contribute to wrist problems for those who type a lot. I tried one and immediately did not like it. So, since I have two others I like better, I never used the one that came with my Mac. Perhaps I should eBay it but that seems more trouble than it's worth.
  • Reply 10 of 36
    vf208vf208 Posts: 49member
    What I thought you were suggesting at first - was a essentially a macbook keyboard as some sort of HTPC input sevice.

    Now I realise this isn't what you mean may I suggest it - a MacBook keyboard - with track pad - bluetooth - small form factor and maybe the ability to control a few other devices similar to the harmony Remotes.

    When I bought a mac mini to use with my plasma - I presumed there would be loads of wireless keyboards with track pads or tracker balls but there are hardly any (decent ones that is)
  • Reply 11 of 36
    iDave agree ebay is likely more hassle than its worth.

    ive been in "tempory accommodation" for the last while so to speak, and had the keyboard on an uneven surface... the result of which it was angled even MORE towards me.. having now moved it to an even more tempory room.. and have it on a flat surface... i find it VERY flat.. oh the irony

    i dont type for a living but i have been doing a fair old bit this last few months.. i dont mind the keyboard.. but then i dont have the spare cash to go out and try different 'boards

    my sisters b/f used the keyboard and decided to get one for his PC!

    but then i think you might say theres no accounting for taste

    hey ho... hope you find something suitable!


  • Reply 12 of 36
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by Trendannoyer

    hey ho... hope you find something suitable!

    Oh, I did. I find the MacAlly IceKey and the Kensington Slim Type to be quite nice, slightly preferring the Slim Type even though it has no USB port. Marvin is hoping for a new MacBook style keyboard. If Apple designs one, I might have to get one myself just for grins. I definitely like the keyboard on the new MacBook. $30 give or take is nothing for something you use so frequently as a keyboard. That's why I've tried so many and why I don't mind shelving the one that ships with a new Mac if I don't like it.

    You're right, it's all a matter of taste. Many people actually prefer a keyboard tilted toward them.
  • Reply 13 of 36
    while i am still having problems NOT just hitting BUY on the macbook page for a laptop/notebook, its almost an impulse buy

    i think the keyboard on it is ... mmm ugly... well for me it oscillates between ugly and ok, ugly and ok

    i like my keys to have a scooped "hole" and NOT be all flat and horrible looking

    good groth.. now I'M at it

  • Reply 14 of 36
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
  • Reply 15 of 36
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,467moderator

    Originally posted by Trendannoyer


    I use a number of keyboards like iDave - powerbook, old g3 imac, Apple pro, some PC keyboards and out of all of them, I dislike the Apple pro one the most.

    The other keyboards I use are soft and spongy - they feel more comfortable. As I type this, the keys are stiff and I make much more typing errors.

    The powerbook one is my favourite of the ones I use.


    Marvin, the MacAlly Icekey is very nice. Its scissor keys are good but a little stiffer than a PowerBook or MacBook keyboard. The Kensington Slim Type Mac is better but doesn't have any USB ports.

    Thanks, I was looking at those ones and they look pretty good. I like how the macally one has USB ports on the sides too like how the old keyboards were. If I couldn't get a smaller one, I'd probably just go for either of those.

    How heavy are they compared to the Apple pro keyboard and are they about the same size?


    What I thought you were suggesting at first - was a essentially a macbook keyboard as some sort of HTPC input sevice.

    Now I realise this isn't what you mean may I suggest it - a MacBook keyboard - with track pad - bluetooth - small form factor and maybe the ability to control a few other devices similar to the harmony Remotes.

    I hadn't considered that but that would be a good idea. Someone at work got a wireless Mac keyboard but it's a big hefty Apple pro one again. I don't see much point in it being wireless because it's not very portable. A small multi-functional wireless keyboard would be ideal and again, having keys like the Macbook pro would make it sturdier and less likely to collect dirt inside.


    Many people actually prefer a keyboard tilted toward them.

    That's actually another annoyance with the pro one because Apple have removed the choice as to which way you sit your keyboard. Of course it may mean a flimsy add-on. I think they should have designed them flat if they wanted it one way or the other. You can always tilt the keyboard up but you can't tilt the Apple pro one down.

    Maybe we need a whole new style of input device altogether. Just one large SED touch panel that shows images of keys based on what app you use and it would have no physical keys at all. Something like this idea:

    but the keys are virtual. That way the trackpad could be integrated too. Maybe Apple's recent multi-touch screen patent could be used for that. I think I'd probably prefer tactile keys though.


    i like my keys to have a scooped "hole" and NOT be all flat and horrible looking

    Haha, adapt and overcome .
  • Reply 16 of 36
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by Marvin

    How heavy are they compared to the Apple pro keyboard and are they about the same size?

    I don't know about weight.

    The IceKey is about the same size as the Apple Keyboard. The Slim Type is smaller and narrower since it doesn't have the full size arrow, home, page up, page down section of keys between the letter section and number pad section. That's another reason I prefer it over the IceKey.

    I used to really like the black keyboard that came with early iMacs because it was nice and small. However, I decided I don't like black keys because they're hard to see when the light's not good. I'm a touch typist but I still have to look now and then.
  • Reply 17 of 36
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,467moderator

    Originally posted by iDave

    The IceKey is about the same size as the Apple Keyboard. The Slim Type is smaller and narrower since it doesn't have the full size arrow, home, page up, page down section of keys between the letter section and number pad section. That's another reason I prefer it over the IceKey.

    I used to really like the black keyboard that came with early iMacs because it was nice and small. However, I decided I don't like black keys because they're hard to see when the light's not good. I'm a touch typist but I still have to look now and then.

    Hmmm, I would prefer if the middle bit with home key etc was missing. It seems they have put those keys just to the right of the return key. Plus they haven't squashed the arrow keys into a small space like the old imac keyboard. I'd just need to get a small hub to make up for the lack of USB ports.
  • Reply 18 of 36
    ajpriceajprice Posts: 320member
    2 things that the next Apple Keyboard should be -

    1. USB 2.0

    2. Backlit as on the Powerbook/Macbook Pro keyboards.
  • Reply 19 of 36
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by ajprice

    2 things that the next Apple Keyboard should be -

    1. USB 2.0

    2. Backlit as on the Powerbook/Macbook Pro keyboards.

    1. Yes

    2. IMO a useless gimmick. I had a PowerBook with that once and only turned it on once, to try it out. It actually made the keys harder to read in medium light. If I wanted to be able to see the letters on the keys I had to turn all of the lights off in the room. Who does that and how often? Again, it's a matter of taste as usual. I'm always amazed how many people are clamoring for that feature in all of the portables. Give me more RAM instead.
  • Reply 20 of 36
    drnatdrnat Posts: 142member
    I use my backlite keyboad most days - work in bed at night & can turn the lights off so my wife can sleep whilst I sort through my many Emails etc that don't get chance to do during the day - it is great & makes typing so much easier - wouldn't be without!
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