Core2Duo Macbook Pro Release Date

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hey guys,

I'm waiting out for the Core2Duo (Merom) Macbook Pro and from what I hear, It'll be announced in August. I was wondering if based on previous annoucements/releases of new products from Apple, will the Macbook Pro be released around the same date as when it was announced or will there be a one - two month wait?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by mnm2004bft

    Hey guys,

    I'm waiting out for the Core2Duo (Merom) Macbook Pro and from what I hear, It'll be announced in August. I was wondering if based on previous annoucements/releases of new products from Apple, will the Macbook Pro be released around the same date as when it was announced or will there be a one - two month wait?

    You know, if we had the answer to these questions, we'd certainly have a website announcing it to everyone.

    So, yeah, sure...August 23rd release date...and let's pretend like there will be a 3 weeks wait...yeah that sounds about right.
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  • Reply 2 of 2
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    I don't know when it will be announced, but I know that as of today it is "Future Hardware", not "Current Hardware".

    See discussion here:

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