Do you like BootCamp?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Are you running bootcamp? Do you like it? Are you using a different "windows" program?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Everybody loves Boot Camp.?
  • Reply 2 of 4
    ry-garry-gar Posts: 23member
    Currently stuck in Windows hell, thanks to a rash decision I made about 6 months ago after owning exclusively Apple computers since 1978.

    Never again.

    And you can be sure, when the right level of disposable income and the first revision of the MacBook (with overheating and other bugs worked out) happen simultaneously, I will be headed for full bore Mac bliss and I sure as f*ck won't be polluting my new MAC with this sad excuse for an OS. \

    There are very few good reasons to run Windows on a Mac. I am all for Boot Camp if it helps Apple sell computers, but it's really like drinking Kool-Aid out of Bacarat crystal. It just feels WRONG.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    greggwsmithgreggwsmith Posts: 523member
    I like Boot Camp so far. I am pretty weirded out though. I just put in 2 1gig sticks of RAM in my black MacBook and it appears no faster than the original 512 that came with it.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    joeyjoey Posts: 236member
    Basically... there isn't really anything to "like" or "dislike" about BootCamp... It just tells your system which OS to start up... pretty basic. Windows runs just as well on a MacBook as it does on a comparably equipped PC. There is the issue of one trackpad button and no trackpad driver under Windows (it's seen as a generic mouse so no "tap to click" and other features are supported... yet).... but you get a MacBook as an OS X primary machine... not a Windows primary machine (although it's totally capable as either... just designed for OS X). If you have to run Windows stuff... BootCamp or Parallels are two excellent options (depending on what your needs are).
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