whats better?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
what ram is better, they add up to the same amount (1 gb) but whats the difference and what one is better? two 512mb sticks or just one 1gb stick, thanx


  • Reply 1 of 2
    baygbmbaygbm Posts: 147member

    Originally posted by kitt123

    what ram is better, they add up to the same amount (1 gb) but whats the difference and what one is better? two 512mb sticks or just one 1gb stick, thanx

    Especially with the Macbook, Apple recommends that you use two memory sticks of equal value. The reccomended memory configuration for your particular Mac model can be foud in the documentation/user manual.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    kitt123kitt123 Posts: 18member
    ye i just found out that i have two 512mb sticks in my imac but apparently that is better so im happy
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