TI beats Intel to the punch?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
New Reuters story...

3:01 AM ET 06/12/06

Texas Instruments has new memory technique-Report

NEW YORK, June 12 (Reuters) - Texas Instruments Inc. plans to announce on Monday early results for a new process that yields memory cells for storing data that are 30 percent smaller than those being made by Intel Corp., a report said.

TI's process, a major change in chip-manufacturing technology, uses immersion lithography, The Wall Street Journal reported. The process involves shining light through a film of water on semiconductor wafers to trace finer lines of circuitry, it said.

The process, to be announced at a technical conference in Hawaii, will reduce the most advanced production process today from 65 nanometers, or billionths of a meter, to 45 nanometers, the newspaper said.

A TI spokesman was not immediately available for comment.

TI said it has produced memory cells with the immersion process that have dimensions of 0.24 square microns, or millionths of a meter, which is half the size of equivalent cells on its 65-nanometer process, the Journal said.

Intel , which is using conventional lithography, has projected cells on its 45-nanometer process of 0.346 square microns, about 39 percent smaller than cells on its 65-nanometer process, the newspaper said.

Miniaturization boosts chip processing speed by cutting down on the distance the electric load must travel


  • Reply 1 of 3
    wmfwmf Posts: 1,164member
    Of course, they tell you about the part of their process that is ahead of Intel's but not all the other parts that are behind Intel's. There are a lot more factors in chip performance, power, and price than the size of an SRAM cell.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    zandroszandros Posts: 537member

    Originally posted by SpamSandwich

    Miniaturization boosts chip processing speed by cutting down on the distance the electric load must travel

    And the price comes down too.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    thttht Posts: 5,605member
    This is just TI advertising its technology, and doesn't really reflect reality.

    I'd wager that TI will be 9 months behind Intel in shipping real 45 nm product. Intel did demo a 45 nm SRAM 6 months ago afterall. As far as I know, TI hasn't shipped a 65 nm part yet. They may have this quarter, but their fab cycles should be about 3 to 6 months longer than Intel's now.
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