Macbook worries

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I've just ordered a Macbook (2.0ghz, 1GB RAM, 80GB HDD) and I'm starting to regret my decision.

I've read so much about all of the problems that these notebooks are having and I'm thinking that I should have stuck to a Windows (when my Macbook arrives, I'll be a switcher) because I know that it works.

Should I be concerned about the heat issues, the crashes, etc.?

Should I have waited until Apple brings out revised editions of the Macbook with fixes?

I agree with somebody who posted earlier, if I'm paying £1200 for a laptop, I want it to work. I don't want issues concerning extreme heat and faulty thermal paste.

What do you guys think?


  • Reply 1 of 20
    how often has windows crashed on you?

    give it a month and see how often the macbook crashes.

    by the very nature of forums like this, you are more likely to see people complain about a bad experiance than see all the other people who have no need at all to complain, because, to be honest, there is very little to complain about.
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  • Reply 2 of 20
    majortommajortom Posts: 33member
    How many people got problems over the 300.000 MacBook sold? Mine is working very nice. Of course, as a switcher you'll feel lost at the beginning. Keep searching for the many answers you'll initially need into the forums.
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  • Reply 3 of 20
    hanenthanent Posts: 19member
    Hey, Don't Worry Be Happy!!

    What you see and hear in forums like this is not a general problem on the whole, but rather limited cases. It's the nature of sites like this to post irregularities and problems, where else can you get an answer?
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  • Reply 4 of 20
    baygbmbaygbm Posts: 147member
    I think you are the sort that likes to worry and there is nothing anyone here can do about that.

    The Macbooks came out on a Tuesday. I got mine on Thursday and have never had a problem.
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  • Reply 5 of 20

    Originally posted by CityGuy88

    I've just ordered a Macbook (2.0ghz, 1GB RAM, 80GB HDD) and I'm starting to regret my decision.

    You shouldn't, I also switched and the MacBook has been a great machine by far the best I have ever used and I have no regrets.


    Originally posted by CityGuy88

    I've read so much about all of the problems that these notebooks are having and I'm thinking that I should have stuck to a Windows (when my Macbook arrives, I'll be a switcher) because I know that it works.

    Like someone said over 300,000 MacBooks are expect to be sold how many people have you actually really complain maybe 10, 20? Thats about it

    And if you read this thread you'll see that the majority who voted don't have problems.

    btw you don't mean that windows is a computer? (So I'll take it you were refereing to a machine that runs windows out of the box) I personally hate Windows (OS) it was never stable (lots of crashing and blue screen of deaths), but Mac OSX has been super stable far exceeding my expectations


    Originally posted by CityGuy88

    Should I be concerned about the heat issues, the crashes, etc.?

    Not really I have not had any crashes except once and that was caused by Firefox and Gmail once I was able to finally force quit it the computer was working like normal.

    Yes the computer does get hot sometimes but no more than most window machines I have used (Dells) plus most of the time its actually pretty cool (but thats also in part because I keep the brightness on the lowest setting possible which also helps give me long battery life


    Originally posted by CityGuy88

    Should I have waited until Apple brings out revised editions of the Macbook with fixes?

    While its alwasy better to get later revisions you could have waited until a C revision and still could have gotten a defective computer, it happens to everyone Apple, Dell, Sony, etc.

    If something does happen Apple (from what I know) will glady replace your system free of charge!


    Originally posted by CityGuy88

    I agree with somebody who posted earlier, if I'm paying £1200 for a laptop, I want it to work. I don't want issues concerning extreme heat and faulty thermal paste.

    Like I said the majority of MacBook owners are quite happy there computers and have not had any problems.

    I've been using mine for almost a month about 6-7+ hours daily and my computer has not turned yellow, melted/burned me, has not made a sound (unless you insert a CD, besides that its dead silent) and no real crashes.

    Thats an A+ machine in my book


    Originally posted by CityGuy88

    What do you guys think?

    I think I've already told you

    The only thing left to say is enjoy your MacBook
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  • Reply 6 of 20
    maccabeamaccabea Posts: 15member
    don't regret your purchase!

    After 2 years of waiting and saving, I finally bought my 2.0 GHZ white MacBook and I absolutely love it. No way would I go back to Windows. I'm on my old, horrible PC right now but that's only because my boyfriend (a PC boy) is on my MacBook that he is in complete awe over! Being on a Windows machine at the moment, I feel lost and in the dark age..haha

    I was a little apprehensive about buying my MacBook after reading problems that *some* have had. Usually on help forums, you'll see that most are there about issues. The average joes out there who are running their MacBooks smoothly won't post on these forums to brag about their product. They'll be out showing it off! Now, if you're concerned about the switch to Mac, keep in mind that with the new transition to Intel and invention of boot camp, now you can run Windows should you desire to do so. There's absolutely no reason NOT to buy a Mac now!

    From one switcher to another, I gotta say...enjoy your MacBook! It's wonderful!!
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  • Reply 7 of 20
    mine don't crash
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  • Reply 8 of 20
    after all these positive comments id REALLY like to know what cityguy thinks?

    have you gotten your macbook yet?

    has the regret turned to joy?
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  • Reply 9 of 20
    tommyrtommyr Posts: 9member

    Originally posted by CityGuy88

    I've just ordered a Macbook (2.0ghz, 1GB RAM, 80GB HDD) and I'm starting to regret my decision.

    I agree with somebody who posted earlier, if I'm paying £1200 for a laptop, I want it to work. I don't want issues concerning extreme heat and faulty thermal paste.

    What do you guys think?

    Of coarse you want it to work. We all do. Sometimes a bad one goes out, it happens with everything in life.

    Just get one. If there is something wrong call Apple and they will take care of it.

    My Macbook works great! I love the darn thing. Just do it!

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  • Reply 10 of 20
    mr. k. Posts: 8member
    I've had my MacBook for a few weeks and I really like it. I'd say I'm about 90% satisfied. It is fast, nice screen, does everything I want. I like the keyboard, too.

    My only complaints is that it does run kind of hot. However most of the time I am just web surfing and email and it doesn't run hot nor do the fans turn on. Second complaint, my wireless internet connection was spotty for a while but I got a new router and the problems are gone. Last, yes there is a very faint discoloration happening, however I don't think this is a huge deal. When I first got my iPod I was paranoid about scratches but after you get the first scratch the worry goes away. I mean, you want to use the thing, not keep it in mint condition in a plastic case.

    I'm thinking about my Kensington mouse I have as well, after two years of use the sides are scraping off and changed from grey to brown. But it still works great.

    So I hope you enjoy the MacBook, I'd just say if you are expecting 100% perfection you ain't gonna get it. The same holds true with everything in life.
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  • Reply 11 of 20
    mbaynhammbaynham Posts: 534member
    no no no. what are you thinking? i switched 3 weeks ago when i got my 1.83 macbook, and while the machine doest get warm, not hot, it has crashed once. ONCE. count how many times a pc crashes in a single session, and i guarentee that it is more once. think hard
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  • Reply 12 of 20
    Another HAPPY Macbook buyer

    I think most probs are quite minor and to be honest for a Rev A I think this lot is quite good. Yes it runs warm for me at a max of 69C. The discolouration is cos it's white and regardless of washing your hands before and after using the MB you will still get marks on it eventually because your hands can never be 100% dirt free. The "mooing" sound it's very quiet you can only hear it in dead silence and it's the fan which is part of the computer operation.
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  • Reply 13 of 20
    I'll hopefully be picking up a MacBook myself soon, to replace my 2-year old iBook. All the MacBooks and MacBook Pros I've used have been great ?_much faster, smoother, and basically all-around better than my iBook. Don't worry about it too much. If it overheats a lot and stuff begins to fail, you can always take it back.
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  • Reply 14 of 20
    I have to say. I have both. Macbook Black and Macbook Pro 17".

    I love them both. But after just getting my MBP I am in love with this thing. Yes they both get extremely hot, espcially when charging. But it's not that big of a deal, unless your legs or desk can't take the heat.

    There are always drawbacks too newer items, like my blackbook as soon as you touch it you can see the grease from your fingers immediately on there. And it kinda always needs to be cleaned, what does suck about the Macbook is the glossy screen. Drives me insane!

    But with that being said, it is a great piece of machine. I just hope you don't plan too install ram, because I had the HARDEST TIME! installing that crap. I would say go for it...

    REMEMBER! if you didn't know already, if you change anything about the "stock" specs from apple, like I see you added 1gb of memory, you can not return it! if you don't like it. The only way for a return is if it doesn't work, or you are having problems, so I would definately re-evaluate your decision with it before it arrives! I hope this helps in anyway.
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  • Reply 15 of 20

    Originally posted by Mr.Klawz But with that being said, it is a great piece of machine. I just hope you don't plan too install ram, because I had the HARDEST TIME! installing that crap. I would say go for it...

    Odd. If I recall correctly it's supposed to be ridiculously easy to install RAM in a MacBook.
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  • Reply 16 of 20
    ti fighterti fighter Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by Mackilroy

    Odd. If I recall correctly it's supposed to be ridiculously easy to install RAM in a MacBook.

    well it's very easy, but I wouldn't call it ridiculously easy, the old under the keyboard way is what I would call ridiculously easy.
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  • Reply 17 of 20
    mr.klawzmr.klawz Posts: 30member
    it is easier... to a point.

    The problem is, like with most people who have installed 2gb ram on macbook.. You have too PUSH! Like you need a good coarse in child labor before you install it. Take deep breathes and PUSH!

    I had to sandwhich mine between 2 pieces of furniture, and use all my weight too just install the ram. The location is great! I like the location much better then the MBP. My favorite thing is the HDD, just pull it out! no screws nothing. Easy as pie!
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  • Reply 18 of 20

    Originally posted by Ti Fighter

    well it's very easy, but I wouldn't call it ridiculously easy, the old under the keyboard way is what I would call ridiculously easy.

    Heh, but I'll have to disagree with you there. I installed a 512 Mb chip in my iBook G4 and it wasn't easy. Once I get my MacBook I'll see which is easier.
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  • Reply 19 of 20
    mcnewbiemcnewbie Posts: 27member
    Although the RAM was not easy to install it certainly was not extremely hard either. I just thought it'd be easier as it's been mentioned as a "feature" in the Macbooks.

    I found that whilst the original Hynix sticks just slid in without having to push or put pressure the 1gb sticks I put in needed a lot of push.

    My tip. Place the RAM into the slot. Push slightly not hard, then push left side, then right and keep doing it until the RAM is completely in and it does not stick out at all not even a tad.
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  • Reply 20 of 20
    I tried it again to figure out an easier way too put it in.

    Turn the macbook 180degrees and make it so you would kind of have have to pull the memory in. It works really easily once you do that. I just wish I would have known that before.

    So that could be easier depending on some of you.
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