A program to open .wps (MSworks) documents?
Is there a program for OSX that will open .wps files? People keep sending them to me and I am tired of asking them to resend the documents in rich text format. Pages and NeoOffice want open the darn MSWorks documents -- there has to be some way to view them without buying a Microsoft word processor.
Originally posted by mbaynham
any others?
Word is a no-go...
(Kicks self)
This tool claims to do the trick, and they have a Mac binary...and it is F/OSS...
Copy the files nd run the copies through this tool so you dont lose them if somethiong goes bad.
Originally posted by a_greer
This tool claims to do the trick, and they have a Mac binary...and it is F/OSS...
The OP needs to open Microsoft Works documents. The linked opensource library is supposed to open documents created by various versions of WordPerfect. There is absolutely no claim that it can open MSWorks documents.
Originally posted by FormerLurker
This will do the trick:
It looks like it has not been updated for awhile: it lists that it will open MS Works for Windows 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 95 -- any idea if it will open files from works 8?
Originally posted by Res
It looks like it has not been updated for awhile: it lists that it will open MS Works for Windows 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 95 -- any idea if it will open files from works 8?
MacLinkPlus Deluxe 15 was released in 2004. We can only hope that it Microsoft Works 8 documents have the same format as MS Works 95. However, I am not optimistic. The Redmond Monopoly has probably done several incompatibility upgrades to its works program since 1995. In my experience, the people who use MS Works are students using computer lab computers which are timed to fail 30 minutes prior the their professor's submission deadline.
Originally posted by mike555
=== NeoOffice should open them, or you can convert them using this website.... http://tinyurl.com/hzb4n ===
That would be a great big fat NO on both accounts. NeoOffice/OpenOffice neither reads nor writes Microsoft Works documents. The web-based file conversion utility supports substantially fewer formats. Suffice it to say, MS Works is not a supported format either as input or output.