more "Mail" problems

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014
shit, I hear the Fire Dept.

Have to run...


  • Reply 1 of 5
    ptrashptrash Posts: 296member
    Ok, that was close!

    About those male, er mail problems:

    1) Is there any way to select the default email account, when there are multiple accounts, when you're sending a message? Mail's instructiuons make it sound like you can't.

    2) Once you're mailboxes are created, is there anyway to reorganize them, without fouling up the whole mail "tree"?

    3) Where's the best source of info for using "Mail".

    4) What's the best free email alternative to "Mail"? I have Thunderbird, and haven't used it. I forget why now--I think I was concerned about using an unsupported Email program.

    (see my post on Political discussions about unsupported SW)
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  • Reply 2 of 5

    Originally posted by Ptrash

    Ok, that was close!

    About those male, er mail problems:

    1) Is there any way to select the default email account, when there are multiple accounts, when you're sending a message? Mail's instructiuons make it sound like you can't.

    Yes there is, at least in 10.4, under settings, accounts, there you can set your smtp server, if that server is unreachable at some point, mail asks if you want to try to use another one(if you have it configured)


    2) Once you're mailboxes are created, is there anyway to reorganize them, without fouling up the whole mail "tree"?

    Yes you can do that as well to some extent, select the folder you want, and choose under inbox > use this inbox as. Hopefully that was what you asked.


    3) Where's the best source of info for using "Mail".

    Best source is always MACs own help files, they are very good. After that google is your best friend.


    4) What's the best free email alternative to "Mail"? I have Thunderbird, and haven't used it. I forget why now--I think I was concerned about using an unsupported Email program.

    (see my post on Political discussions about unsupported SW)

    Sorry, didn't find thread about your specific problems, but Thunderbird is also very good email client, even though it's not so integrated to mac environment. Some people tend to like Entourage that comes with Office for mac. Also here comes google handy.
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  • Reply 3 of 5
    ptrashptrash Posts: 296member

    Originally posted by Project2501

    Yes there is, at least in 10.4, under settings, accounts, there you can set your smtp server, if that server is unreachable at some point, mail asks if you want to try to use another one(if you have it configured)

    Yes you can do that as well to some extent, select the folder you want, and choose under inbox > use this inbox as. Hopefully that was what you asked.

    Best source is always MACs own help files, they are very good. After that google is your best friend.

    Sorry, didn't find thread about your specific problems, but Thunderbird is also very good email client, even though it's not so integrated to mac environment. Some people tend to like Entourage that comes with Office for mac. Also here comes google handy.

    I looked for that account setting setting for alternative servers, and couldn't find it. I guess it doesn't exist under 10.3.9.

    I rejected Thunderbird for issues of compatibility, or because it didn't solve the issues I'm dealing with now. I used Entourage for a long time, and stopped when I deleted my entire .Mac email tree by mistake (I was trying to delete ".mac" from the server list) . I found the program to be counterintuitive, a mish-mash of Mac-PC approaches.

    As always, the solution requires giving Apple more money, to get the newest and greatest version of its SW. I'm convinced SW companies sell SW like manafacturers sell hardware--piece by piece implementation of features over the long haul, so you have to constantly upgrade to get the product they might have sold you from day one, if profit wasn't the sole motive.
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  • Reply 4 of 5
    project2501project2501 Posts: 433member

    Originally posted by Ptrash

    As always, the solution requires giving Apple more money, to get the newest and greatest version of its SW. I'm convinced SW companies sell SW like manafacturers sell hardware--piece by piece implementation of features over the long haul, so you have to constantly upgrade to get the product they might have sold you from day one, if profit wasn't the sole motive.

    That's a vicious cycle, on the other hand software development isn't free but what features qualify for a paid update. With Apple, it's even harder, because your initial OS version always comes bundled with your HW and seemingly free, but after that you have to pay for major updates. If you compare OSX updates to microsoft office updates, they at least have brought many new features and improved thing, but office updates only have broken the compatibility for previous versions, I don't think they have invented anything since god knows when. But as always you as a user have the last choise to pay or not to pay.
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  • Reply 5 of 5
    im-0nim-0n Posts: 47member
    my .mac account is expired, and suddenly i cant use my email....what happend?

    is it true that even though its already expired we still can use the email features

    but only 25mb,
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