Apple store in China

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Is the Shanghai store gone for good? I can't find it anymore on the Apple website ( It used to be the cheapest one and I'd like to know since I'm going there.

Seems like Hong Kong is cheapest of the remaining stores...


  • Reply 1 of 6
    kirliankirlian Posts: 3member

    Originally posted by tonton

    EDIT: Oh, maybe you're referring to the online store? But I've never noticed a China store before.

    Yep that's what I ment. There was a Shanghai online store and it was cheaper than HK store. Somehow I thought that if the online store is gone, there are no authorized resellers anymore I guess that's not the case.. Do you think China is the cheapest place to buy (authorized) apple products in Asia? Or should I do my shopping in for example HK?
  • Reply 2 of 6
    acr4acr4 Posts: 100member
    I've been in Shanghai for the last seven weeks. I haven't found consumer electonics to be much less expensive than in the states. Of course, you might find things for 5-10% off, and you don't have to pay sales tax, so factor in another 5-10% depending on your state, but I've seen so many knock-off electronics that I'm honestly scared to buy anything more expensive than a USB key. I see knock-off iPods all the time. Just remember that a lot of places are willing to barter, and if you don't, you are getting ripped off.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    kirliankirlian Posts: 3member

    Originally posted by tonton

    For instance, I bought my MacBook 1.8.3 for HK$8600, which works out to be USD$1106.69.

    That sounds good. I live in Finland and that MacBook is ?1129 (USD 1438) here.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    project2501project2501 Posts: 433member

    Originally posted by kirlian

    That sounds good. I live in Finland and that MacBook here is ?1129 (USD 1438)

    It's always nice to get rid of taxes. Actually that mac book would cost 925,41? (1160,39USD)in Finland without VAT. Now I only need to find a way to make tax-free purchases

    BTW nice to see other Finnish Mac users around here
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