i life 04

in Mac Software edited January 2014
I just picked up a copy of ilife 04. I'm running a G3 ibook, 384 MB, 800 Mhz. Basically I just need an update of iphoto because i'm running v.2.0. The ilife 04 disk has installs of Garageband, iphoto, itunes, imovie, and iDVD. I already have current versions and I don't run Garageband.

Basically i'm getting an error message saying that one of these apps is running, so ilife 04 can't install, however, none of these are running. Did I do something wrong, i'm sure there is nothing running in the background.

Thanks for the help


  • Reply 1 of 2
    jabohnjabohn Posts: 583member
    Check Activity Monitor (in the Utilities folder) and see if there's any of the iLife apps running. Sometimes it's just the iTunes Helper that's running and for some reason won't let iLife install. Happened to me once.

    You can use Activity Monitor to quit the iLife app if it is running.
  • Reply 2 of 2

    Originally posted by jabohn

    Check Activity Monitor (in the Utilities folder) and see if there's any of the iLife apps running. Sometimes it's just the iTunes Helper that's running and for some reason won't let iLife install. Happened to me once.

    You can use Activity Monitor to quit the iLife app if it is running.

    That was exactly the problem, thank you for the tip
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