Expose Question

in macOS edited January 2014
I'm not sure if Expose is supposed to do this or not. I can't find anywhere that says it does, but here it goes. I really like the F10 key feature that tiles all of your windows of a particular app. But is there a way to keep them tiled like that and still be able to work with the?

Right now, as soon as you click on one window, that window becomes active and the others go back to the way they were. I'm always finding myself resizing two or three windows so I can drag & drop between them or even just to be able to compare something between the two. (Which by the way, is hard to do since you have only one place to grab the screen, bottom left corner,...but whatever.) Is there a way to instantly tile all the windows and keep them like that?




  • Reply 1 of 7
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member

    Originally posted by dac0nvu

    Is there a way to instantly tile all the windows and keep them like that?

    Not that I know of.

    But, for your drag & drop, you can do this:

    1.) Bring the source window to the front

    2.) Start to drag the object that you want to drop to another window

    3.) Press F10 (keeping the mouse button held down, so you are still dragging the object)

    4.) Hover the mouse over the destination window (don't release mouse button yet)

    5.) After about 1 second*, the destination window highlight will flash, and the window will be front-most. Now, release the mouse button, and your object has been dragged & dropped.

    * If you don't want to wait, you can press F10 again.
  • Reply 2 of 7
    dac0nvudac0nvu Posts: 175member
    REALLY? Cool. I'll give that a try. Thanks. Still would like the one keystroke tile feature though. Didn't Windows have that in like Windows 3.1?
  • Reply 3 of 7
    dutch peardutch pear Posts: 588member

    Originally posted by dac0nvu

    ..... Didn't Windows have that in like Windows 3.1?

    WOW, run and hide Dude, here come the apple-fan deathsquads
  • Reply 4 of 7
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member

    Originally posted by dac0nvu

    REALLY? Cool. I'll give that a try. Thanks. Still would like the one keystroke tile feature though. Didn't Windows have that in like Windows 3.1?

    yeah, the problem I've always had with the tile feature is there is no easy way to get your windows back to their original size/position. Very annoying...

    Expose is really a completely different idea so I don't see that kind of feature anytime in the future in expose. Expose is more analogous to the cmd-tab (or alt-tab on windows) feature than an attempt to create a tile windows feature.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member
    There has to be a way to script this. The following link is to a script that will fill the screen with the two frontmost windows.


    Maybe a script maven can chime in.

  • Reply 6 of 7
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member

    Originally posted by Mr. H

    Not that I know of.

    5.) After about 1 second*, the destination window highlight will flash, and the window will be front-most. Now, release the mouse button, and your object has been dragged & dropped.

    * If you don't want to wait, you can press F10 again.

    This works across all applications with F9 (ie, if you want to paste something from Safari to Word).

    Windows 3.1: thanks for all of the horrible memories. I never thought that I would ever read anything even remotely favoring Windows 3.1 over OS X. MacFanatic deathsquads attack!
  • Reply 7 of 7
    dac0nvudac0nvu Posts: 175member

    Originally posted by Neruda

    I never thought that I would ever read anything even remotely favoring Windows 3.1 over OS X. MacFanatic deathsquads attack!

    Now come on. Did my question *really* insinuate that I favored Windows 3.1 over OS X?
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