Crossover beta test

in macOS edited January 2014

Parallels is certainly worth having for Intel mac users but don't forget Crossover.

A friend showed me a beta version running yesterday. I watched Internet Explorer 6 run all on its own, no XP in sight, nothing just IE6, on a Mac. It worked flawlessly and printed to the Mac printer and even allowed copy and paste to any Mac app. This solved all those problems with banks etc. where Macs are marginalized. No XP no issues with Spyware, Adware or Viruses as far as i can see... correct me if I am wrong but where are they going to go and what are they going to attack?

I wanted to see this to see if it would access MLS a database created for Realtors in the USA. It has been created by folk who must be on MS payroll as it won't work on any Mac running any browser (even with Mac pretending to be a PC).

It worked flawlessly! Hear this Realtors in the USA... you can buy a Mac and use MLS. You heard this from me first so go sell my listings will ya

Some issues: The only snag we hit was a link that launched an e-mail app was stymied as there was no e-mail app in the Crossover environment as we had it set up, I had hoped it would just launch in OSX. I hope Crossover folk fix it so it will launch Mail in OSX as it can now access print drivers seamlessly. Meanwhile the solution is to add Outlook Express too but that is one thing I'd rather not add if I don't have to. He also added Office and that worked fine too and e-mail links work with a PC mail app on line.

This is only a beta remember! Ironically only web site we found with problems in half an hour of playing was ... Apple! I wonder if Apple detect machine accessing and try to do something different (ly) and Crossover running IE6 on a Mac without XP is confusing something like a cookie generator?

It has been said by many so called experts in this forum WINE isn't a viable option. I listened and didn't know till yesterday. This is absolutely amazing, it works for the apps we tried and for those that don't you have Parallel.

PC software you MUST have on a Mac and no bloody Windows in sight. Priceless!

License agreements with MS may be an issue I am sure but as I see it; if I own a PC with Office and XP and I am prepared to ignite the PC with a gallon of gasoline once I have installed all the software I need from XP and Office on a Mac surely I am running it on one computer only as per any agreement I have seen? It doesn't say anywhere, "Unless it is a Mac" does it?

I ordered my Intel Mac on seeing Crossover in action!


  • Reply 1 of 8
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member
    It's my understanding that Crossover works pretty well for some things and not so well for not others. IE6 and Office are probably the most supported programs out there (by Codeweavers that is), so if that's what you need you should be in good shape. Other WIndows programs may or may not fare as well.

    Crossover sure is an interesting addition in Apple's arsenal vs. the Windows legacy/lock-in problem, though.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    I've liked the idea of Crossover - I'm sure it's similar to WINE. But they only offer compatibility with a few apps. This isn't bad if you only use those apps but I could imagine there would come a time when you'd see a useful app and then discover you can't run it with Crossover. I'd take Parallels just to be safe in the knowledge it will run most if not all Windows software excluding 3D so far.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member

    Originally posted by Marvin

    I've liked the idea of Crossover - I'm sure it's similar to WINE. But they only offer compatibility with a few apps. This isn't bad if you only use those apps but I could imagine there would come a time when you'd see a useful app and then discover you can't run it with Crossover. I'd take Parallels just to be safe in the knowledge it will run most if not all Windows software excluding 3D so far.

    I agree, I intend to have both for the reasons you say but for avoiding day to day Mac marginalization on web sites Crossover and IE6 alone saves dealing with XP and all the crap if you don't have to.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    1337_5l4xx0r1337_5l4xx0r Posts: 1,558member
    Especially if you're a web designer and all you need a PC for is IE6, and you despise microsoft as the beast of Satan because of the foul garbage that is the bane of webmasters everywhere: IE6...
  • Reply 5 of 8
    tilttilt Posts: 396member
    Hey Digitalclips, what do you mean you cannot access MLS? I have always accessed for the last two years with a Mac Mini, Panther, Macbook and Tiger, Safari. Absolutely no problems. Not even masquerading as IE, just plain old Safari

  • Reply 6 of 8
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member

    Originally posted by tilt

    Hey Digitalclips, what do you mean you cannot access MLS? I have always accessed for the last two years with a Mac Mini, Panther, Macbook and Tiger, Safari. Absolutely no problems. Not even masquerading as IE, just plain old Safari


    Your MLS system is written by more intelligent folk obviously. Here in Sarasota, FL and many other areas they have used code which only allows menus and many other parts to operate with IE running on Windows. Even IE on a Mac fails.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    tilttilt Posts: 396member
    Oh! I was under the impression that MLS is MLS and that the same people worked on both sites. Well, live and learn I guess

  • Reply 8 of 8
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member

    Originally posted by tilt

    Oh! I was under the impression that MLS is MLS and that the same people worked on both sites. Well, live and learn I guess


    Not only is the Realtor access not allowed for Macs it gets worse. If a listing data sheet or report is selcted from within MLS and is sent to a client who has a Mac some features fail such as the next click buttons to see images.

    Luckily Intel Macs and Parallels or Crosover are the solution for us Realtors who are sick of Windows' problems but it still won't allow clients on PPC Macs to view the data correctly.
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