Computer name in console prompt

in macOS edited January 2014
How is OSX determining what my computer's name is?

When I open up a console window, this is what comes up:

Last login: Fri Jul 21 07:52:00 on console

Welcome to Darwin!

fortune:~ Ross $

I always thought this meant that I am the user 'Ross,' logged into computer 'fortune,' and I am in the home folder.

Also, the name used to be 'julia' a little while ago. I'm not sure exactly when it changed because I don't use the console all that much.

I don't really need to change it or anything, but I am curious about where this system name comes from, and why it changed.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    jabohnjabohn Posts: 583member
    To change your computer's name, try going into System Preferences, and selecting Sharing. At the top is the box where you set your computer's name - that's the first part of the prompt in terminal.

    The second part of the terminal is simply your username for your account.

    For example, I named my computer "ScreamG5" and the username is "jabohn" so my prompt reads: ScreamG5:~ jabohn$
  • Reply 2 of 5

    Originally posted by jabohn

    To change your computer's name, try going into System Preferences, and selecting Sharing. At the top is the box where you set your computer's name - that's the first part of the prompt in terminal.

    The second part of the terminal is simply your username for your account.

    For example, I named my computer "ScreamG5" and the username is "jabohn" so my prompt reads: ScreamG5:~ jabohn$

    Yes this does work, changing the name here, changes it in the terminal. Though it is still strange because before, the computer name was always set to 'Ross Franklin' since I got the computer.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    So this new name "fortune" didn't come out of nowhere; did someone else change it?
  • Reply 4 of 5
    I am positive that no one here changed it. Firstly, there is only one, passworded, account that has access to these computer settings, and secondly, nobody around here would set the computer name to something like 'fortune;' maybe if it were something more like 'suck my balls.'
  • Reply 5 of 5

    Originally posted by WhiteRabbit

    I am positive that no one here changed it. Firstly, there is only one, passworded, account that has access to these computer settings, and secondly, nobody around here would set the computer name to something like 'fortune;' maybe if it were something more like 'suck my balls.'

    If you have accessed it through ARD it is a fairly easy thing to change the computer name. Has anyone accessed it through ARD?

    If I'm not mistaken you have to also change the "my pc.local" name by hitting the edit button under the field in the sharing pane and a reboot to close the deal.

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