Arrested Development

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
I was just watching Arrested Development and, as I always do when I watch this show, I got to thinking about how stupid Fox Network is for canceling such a great comedy. I was wondering if anyone on the boards loved this show as much as I do. I would love to have Fox put it back on the air like they did with Family Guy. What do you think, would there be enough support to get it back on the air? I like to think so.


  • Reply 1 of 18
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    I love it. I own DVD's for the first two seasons. It is the only show I have ever purchased on DVD.

  • Reply 2 of 18
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    I love it too. Apparently it got shit for ratings though.

    One of my favorite moments was the first episode of season three, when George-Michael's dad says, "Maybe you can rub off on your cousin."

  • Reply 3 of 18
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    I think my favorite is the mother. The shit that comes out of her mouth.

    I hear that showtime might pick it up where it left off.
  • Reply 4 of 18
    The show was good, but for me it was one of those shows that you don't watch unless it was the only thing on at the time.

    I guess the show just had too much going on in its storyline and not enough very short pointless scenes that us Americans love so much (ie. Family Guy, Simpsons).
  • Reply 5 of 18
    I understand why Fox canned it, the ratings were bad the first two seasons, and worse the third.

    I'm just really upset that Mitch Hurwitz couldn't work out a deal with Showtime or some other cable channel, where the ratings would've been really good.
  • Reply 6 of 18

    Originally posted by Ichiban_jay

    The show was good, but for me it was one of those shows that you don't watch unless it was the only thing on at the time.

    I guess the show just had too much going on in its storyline and not enough very short pointless scenes that us Americans love so much (ie. Family Guy, Simpsons).

    Yeah, it's definately one that you had to watch regularly and sequentially. It was a bit intellectually above Fox's demographic.

    But in order it was fucking hilarious. Get (or rent) the DVDs and watch them from the start. Arrested Development is totally the best show ever made.
  • Reply 7 of 18

    Originally posted by gregmightdothat

    I understand why Fox canned it, the ratings were bad the first two seasons, and worse the third.

    I'm just really upset that Mitch Hurwitz couldn't work out a deal with Showtime or some other cable channel, where the ratings would've been really good.

    I don't understand why the ratings were so bad. The first season won five Emmy awards. Why didn't people like it? I have not heard one bad thing from someone who has actually seen the show. Everytime I watch it I find something new to laugh at. Last night while I was watching the first season, I found several innuendoes from George that I hadn't heard before. My favorite line has to be "I blew myself." from Tobias. That is just great.
  • Reply 8 of 18

    Originally posted by maimezvous

    I don't understand why the ratings were so bad. The first season won five Emmy awards. Why didn't people like it? I have not heard one bad thing from someone who has actually seen the show. Everytime I watch it I find something new to laugh at. Last night while I was watching the first season, I found several innuendoes from George that I hadn't heard before. My favorite line has to be "I blew myself." from Tobias. That is just great.

    My sister and my friends Callan and Nicole hate it. For it to be funny, you have to watch a few episodes to get "in" on the repeating jokes. Newcomers also get a bit disturbed by the family dysfunction.

    Also, let's be honest. Who watches stuff just because it won an Emmy?

    The best thing, that I didn't notice until a few views, was the foreshadowing to Buster and Oscar's relationship?episodes with them were filled with puns each followed by a little musical tone, that you totally never noticed until you've seen them a couple times.
  • Reply 9 of 18

    Originally posted by maimezvous

    I was just watching Arrested Development and, as I always do when I watch this show, I got to thinking about how stupid Fox Network is for canceling such a great comedy. I was wondering if anyone on the boards loved this show as much as I do. I would love to have Fox put it back on the air like they did with Family Guy. What do you think, would there be enough support to get it back on the air? I like to think so.

    I doubt Fox will ever greenlight another season the way it did with Family Guy or the way that Comedy Central is going to do with Futurama. The thing really separates Arrested Development from the other examples is that DVD sales drove Fox to reconsider Family Guy, and Comedy Central had way more to spend than Cartoon Network when Futurama's syndication rights came up for renegotiation. Futurama also had VERY strong DVD sales. And like Family Guy, had been off the prime-time air for a good two or three years before the first sets went on sale.

    Arrested Development DVDs debuted when the show was still being produced on a season by season basis, i.e. season one came out on DVD just before seasons two premiered on Fox. They sold well too, but not well enough to encourage advertisers to back the on-air program that drew decreasing numbers of viewers each week.

    I LOVED AD when it was on. I watched every episode that aired on Fox, and have borrowed the first and second season DVDs a couple of times from friends and still marvel at the quality of writing/acting that went on in that show, and I miss it. It was the best comedy on TV in at least a decade.

    The Showtime deal fell apart when Mitch Hurwich decided he didn't want to produce the show anymore, and he was the lynchpin in the Showtime deal. They were ready to committ to a 13 episode season 4 (13 is a typical season run on Cable) but only if Hurwich stayed on to produce. He decided not to so Showtime dropped the offer. ABC was also interested for a time but decided to produce their own knock off which may or may not still be on the air, I can't remember the title.

    My favorite exchange of the whole series -

    Michael to Gob - We may need to get rid of the "Seaward" (being Gob's boat paid for by the Bluth Co.)

    Lucile - I'm not going anywhere!

    Then in Season 3 we learn that Gob's boat is actually named "C-Word"
  • Reply 10 of 18
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by gregmightdothat

    My sister and my friends Callan and Nicole hate it. For it to be funny, you have to watch a few episodes to get "in" on the repeating jokes. Newcomers also get a bit disturbed by the family dysfunction.

    Also, let's be honest. Who watches stuff just because it won an Emmy?

    The best thing, that I didn't notice until a few views, was the foreshadowing to Buster and Oscar's relationship?episodes with them were filled with puns each followed by a little musical tone, that you totally never noticed until you've seen them a couple times.

    Really? I noticed that music right off the bat. An excellent soap opera send-up.
  • Reply 11 of 18
    I wonder if the poor ratings this awesome show got was because of people not watching it on fox but down loading the the show via bit torrent the day after they aired.

    I own both seasons on DVD and have pre ordered the third. I don't own cable but can see why a Station wouldn't support a show that was getting pirated and not supporting the advertisers regardless of how great (and AD is great).

  • Reply 12 of 18

    Originally posted by BigMcLargehuge

    My favorite exchange of the whole series -

    Michael to Gob - We may need to get rid of the "Seaward" (being Gob's boat paid for by the Bluth Co.)

    Lucile - I'm not going anywhere!

    Then in Season 3 we learn that Gob's boat is actually named "C-Word"

    Oh, I realized that it probably wouldn't air again. I was just dreaming a wonderful dream. ABC does have a show that's kind of like AD. I"m not sure how it did though. It's called "Sons and Daughters", I watched it a couple of times and it was ok.

    I really like that joke, but I didn't see any of the third season and I still laughed my ass off when I heard that exchange.
  • Reply 13 of 18

    Originally posted by maimezvous

    Oh, I realized that it probably wouldn't air again. I was just dreaming a wonderful dream. ABC does have a show that's kind of like AD. I"m not sure how it did though. It's called "Sons and Daughters", I watched it a couple of times and it was ok.

    I really like that joke, but I didn't see any of the third season and I still laughed my ass off when I heard that exchange.

    Unfortunately, Sons and Daughters has already been cancelled after only 10 episodes!
  • Reply 14 of 18

    Originally posted by King Chung Huang

    Unfortunately, Sons and Daughters has already been cancelled after only 10 episodes!

    That is a shame. There really is a lack of great comedies.

    I was just watching AD and I just noticed a joke I thought I should share with everyone. Buster says "I never thought I would miss a hand so much." he is referencing an old hand chair he had but is also an amazing joke if you remember what happens later in the season. I think Buster and Tobias are the funniest characters on that show. Such great actors.
  • Reply 15 of 18

    Originally posted by maimezvous

    That is a shame. There really is a lack of great comedies.

    I was just watching AD and I just noticed a joke I thought I should share with everyone. Buster says "I never thought I would miss a hand so much." he is referencing an old hand chair he had but is also an amazing joke if you remember what happens later in the season. I think Buster and Tobias are the funniest characters on that show. Such great actors.

    Another funny little thing with Buster too, is when Lucile catches him in bed with the maid, and fires her for it. Then in the previews of the next show she catches buster in bed with the Roomba robot vaccuum cleaner and he screams "I'm a monster!" and waves his hook at her.

    I just about passed out from that.
  • Reply 16 of 18
    maimezvousmaimezvous Posts: 802member

    Originally posted by BigMcLargehuge

    Another funny little thing with Buster too, is when Lucile catches him in bed with the maid, and fires her for it. Then in the previews of the next show she catches buster in bed with the Roomba robot vaccuum cleaner and he screams "I'm a monster!" and waves his hook at her.

    I just about passed out from that.

    Oh yeah! I had forgotten about that. I really love the episode with "Uncle Jack" too. There are a lot of good lines in it, especially in the end when Tobias is listening to a days worth of his speech. I love Tobias. "It seems I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, and I'm afraid I have a bit of a mess on my hands." When I heard that I did pass out.
  • Reply 17 of 18

    Originally posted by maimezvous

    Oh yeah! I had forgotten about that. I really love the episode with "Uncle Jack" too. There are a lot of good lines in it, especially in the end when Tobias is listening to a days worth of his speech. I love Tobias. "It seems I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, and I'm afraid I have a bit of a mess on my hands." When I heard that I did pass out.

    That whole episode was a friggin scream!

    "Shoot me to the nuts!"

    Gob, I think, next to Tobias is my favorite character because he's such a phenomenal asshole. "You think a guy in a three thousand dollar pair of pants is going to hold an elevator?"
  • Reply 18 of 18
    maimezvousmaimezvous Posts: 802member

    Originally posted by BigMcLargehuge

    Gob, I think, next to Tobias is my favorite character because he's such a phenomenal asshole. "You think a guy in a three thousand dollar pair of pants is going to hold an elevator?"

    COME ON!!

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