So do the posting guidelines...which you appear to have either not read or completely ignored (No, "looks good" doesn't count as significant user input)
I apologize for posting this link. I just have not seen much info or substantial rumors on any new products coming soon. I, like many people who visit this site enjoy speculating on new products and since I don't really have any insider knowledge or anything I just thought I would post a link and see what the more knowledgable visitors would say about it. It is most likely a fake but it is something to start conversation. It was in very poor taste to do such a thing, I should really be drug out back and shot for posting this. It never fails to amaze me what huge pricks some people can be.
That mock-up is AGES old as evidenced by the use of the touch-sensitive iPod controls, older font/resolution of the screen, and about 15 other things that are inconsistent with Apple design sensibilities or lacking in features that Apple would include in a phone.
Now, the video from the other link (also a year old) is exactly what I wish Apple would make: innovative, functional, sexy, and unique enough to be Apple.
So do the posting guidelines...which you appear to have either not read or completely ignored (No, "looks good" doesn't count as significant user input)
Perhaps exposing us to the link itself might qualify as significant input? I'm very glad he posted it, and I am sure that many other members are as well.
Now, the video from the other link (also a year old) is exactly what I wish Apple would make: innovative, functional, sexy, and unique enough to be Apple.
So do the posting guidelines...which you appear to have either not read or completely ignored (No, "looks good" doesn't count as significant user input)
Perhaps exposing us to the link itself might qualify as significant input? I'm very glad he posted it, and I am sure that many other members are as well.