The Core Technologies: Motion, Shake and Beyond...

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Do you think it is possible that the new Motion and Shake replacement apps (maybe even iMovie) will use Core Animation for their Motion graphics features?

It seems like Apple is building some great underlying technologies to really move the industry forward in this space. It would be great if they could perfect the technology demonstrated in iChat too in order to allow Greenscreenless compositing.

It also seems like Core animation would assist in building an 'amazing' native 3D application for the Mac platform. If Apple were to utilize all of these Core Image/Audio/Video/Animation technologies they could build Killer-Apps to seriously compete with Photoshop and all matter of applications in Web, Print, Animation and Video Industries.



  • Reply 1 of 9
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I definitely think Core Animation will be at the heart of the next Motion upgrade. z Axis features are what seperate After Effects from Motion right now for many users. The ease in which Forstall spun the environment around in CoreAn is exactly the type of controls that motion graphics Pros want to do.

    Also if resoution independence hits Leopard then all apps should support it and that would help out. Shake already has RI in its window but what if Final Cut Studio supported it as well?

    I think what is definitely important is continuing the process of tying together the Core technologies. Core Data is going to be a vital component of Macintosh apps and judging from the amount of Core Data sessions at WWDC I see that it is important to the future of Apple applications. Core Animation really seems to tie in Core Image and Video filters.

    OpenGL is getting a boost and with Apple joining the Khronos Group I think we're definitely assured that they will continue to utilize OpenGL to the fullest.

    I thought we might see a revision to Final Cut Studio this year but I think Apple should go ahead and work to get it up and running with as many of the new enhancements as they can. Leopard and Apple software is going to be a match made in heaven. Hell I'm looking forward to seeing what Aperture can do with these new functions. Seems that Core Image now supports RAW directly if rumors are true.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    dazabritdazabrit Posts: 273member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    I definitely think Core Animation will be at the heart of the next Motion upgrade. z Axis features are what seperate After Effects from Motion right now for many users. The ease in which Forstall spun the environment around in CoreAn is exactly the type of controls that motion graphics Pros want to do.

    Also if resoution independence hits Leopard then all apps should support it and that would help out. Shake already has RI in its window but what if Final Cut Studio supported it as well?

    I think what is definitely important is continuing the process of tying together the Core technologies. Core Data is going to be a vital component of Macintosh apps and judging from the amount of Core Data sessions at WWDC I see that it is important to the future of Apple applications. Core Animation really seems to tie in Core Image and Video filters.

    OpenGL is getting a boost and with Apple joining the Khronos Group I think we're definitely assured that they will continue to utilize OpenGL to the fullest.

    I thought we might see a revision to Final Cut Studio this year but I think Apple should go ahead and work to get it up and running with as many of the new enhancements as they can. Leopard and Apple software is going to be a match made in heaven. Hell I'm looking forward to seeing what Aperture can do with these new functions. Seems that Core Image now supports RAW directly if rumors are true.

    I think you're absolutely right. I didn't even think about the Khronos Group. It seems Apple are getting heavily involved with a variety of standards/boards/technology groups (not that it's a new thing) which can only be a good indication for future applications.

    What do you think about the possibility of Greenscreenless compositing though? I couldn't help but think of the possibilities for the Semi-Pro/Pro-Sector when I was watching the keynote.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I think we'll see "greenless" composting enter the Pro apps at a basic level. The problem I see is the "halo" around the composited subject. If they could offer a better edge feathering feature I could see more people using it.

    I'm also thinking it would be an easy way to completely white out your background and put a logo up in the corner.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I can only imagine what this new powerful blend of Apple's CoreAnimation and other 3D / compositing / motion graphics apps will result in. Extremely exciting stuff for video and mographics folks. Eye-popping.
  • Reply 5 of 9
    dazabritdazabrit Posts: 273member

    Seems that Core Image now supports RAW directly if rumors are true.

    I kind of missed/forgot about this.... Where have the rumors been popping up about RAW support with Core Image? If true, it's god damn amazing. Plus Core Animation could probably handle that entire Keynote demo sequence with RAW images as a result. That prospect really blows my mind.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    The rumors come from a post on Leopard featues from WWDC in the "Mac OS" topic area.

    It certainly means Aperture will take advantage as well as many other graphic apps. I wonder what changes Apple has make to Core Data. I think that might be the link to glue everything together in a lovely way. I still think Apple needs a very nice Media Manager for the next FCS upgrade. They seem to be working hard on the Integration of all the apps and I really can't wait to see the successor to Shake running on top of Core Animation.
  • Reply 7 of 9
    dazabritdazabrit Posts: 273member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    The rumors come from a post on Leopard featues from WWDC in the "Mac OS" topic area.

    It certainly means Aperture will take advantage as well as many other graphic apps. I wonder what changes Apple has make to Core Data. I think that might be the link to glue everything together in a lovely way. I still think Apple needs a very nice Media Manager for the next FCS upgrade. They seem to be working hard on the Integration of all the apps and I really can't wait to see the successor to Shake running on top of Core Animation.

    It's just unfortunate that we have to (purportedly) wait until 2008 for the Shake successor. I too, eagerly await the next revision of FCS. They had better include support for the 'Red' camera.
  • Reply 8 of 9
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Dazabrit

    It's just unfortunate that we have to (purportedly) wait until 2008 for the Shake successor. I too, eagerly await the next revision of FCS. They had better include support for the 'Red' camera.

    Another RED enthusiast. This board features in-depth discussions (including with Jim Jannard).
  • Reply 9 of 9
    dazabritdazabrit Posts: 273member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    Another RED enthusiast. This board features in-depth discussions (including with Jim Jannard).

    Excellent. Thanks for the link.
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