Warranty voided by replacing MacBook HD?!
I sent my MacBook in for the now famous random shut down issue. It was there for over 3 weeks when executive relations finally called and told me to go to my local Apple store and pick up a new one. I did this on Saturday. Well i called the guy back and said wait a minute. I had 2 1gig sticks of RAM and a 100 Gig HD that I put in. I told him I bought them from NewEgg but when I swung by the Apple store they put the HD on for me. He told me he would have to look into it but from what he knew putting in a third party HD voids the warranty! WTF?! He said he would have to call the Apple store to verify. The thing is they did it right at the Genius counter and never charged me. I was told that changing out the HD in the MacBook was ok.
Because, like where is your HD and RAM.
It is time to go Ballistic!
You say that your Mac is slow. This can be Parallels issue
I am so not getting a Macbook. Anyone having a good experience with these?
You are listening to the ~0.05% who have problems: the 99+% that are perfectly happy never post blogs, or to forums or write letters to Macworld, and so on about how the unit they paid good money for worked exactly as expected.
Also: Apple tends to have a more savvy user base: most folks that have problems with Apple air their issues in forums or blogs, most Dell or HP customners just wait for the warrenty repair and dont say a word...even when there are issues with the service/warrenty its self.
You are listening to the ~0.05% who have problems: the 99+% that are perfectly happy never post blogs, or to forums or write letters to Macworld, and so on about how the unit they paid good money for worked exactly as expected.
Also: Apple tends to have a more savvy user base: most folks that have problems with Apple air their issues in forums or blogs, most Dell or HP customners just wait for the warrenty repair and dont say a word...even when there are issues with the service/warrenty its self.
Well normally I wouldn't jump to such conclussions but, there have been a lot of well documented problems with Macbooks and MBPs (which now seem to be corrected). How many complain about their Intel iMac? Even Ars looked at this issue. Link Below.