I would like to reset my httpd.conf
Is it possible to get a copy of httpd.conf off my installation disks so I can replace my current httpd.conf? The reason I ask is because I uncommented a few lines so PHP would work on my PowerBook, but now I would like to re-comment those lines so I can download the new version of PHP from entropy.ch.
Any help? \
Any help? \
Search for it on VersionTracker.
Also, you should have an /etc/http.conf.default file already on your drive. That is, I believe, a pristine copy of what ships with the machine for just such an emergency.
So, just open up httpd.conf.default and then save it as httpd.conf to replace the old httpd.conf? Just double checking...
(If you're familiar with the Terminal, which I'm assuming you're not, the 'cp' command is 'copy', so to copy fileA to fileB, you'd type (no quotes) 'cp fileA fileB' and press Return.)
I never thought having my PHP documents NOT work would be so exciting