Post your iPod predictions here!!

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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I've herad lots of people talk about the iPod and what it will be capable of. I think it will be widescreen, but when your listening to music it turn\\s back upright and the click wheel appears. But then when you watch a movie, you turn it on it's side for a widescreen efect.

I think it'll look like this.

Hmm, another idea is of it having wirless internet. Hooked up to iTunes so you can download music, movies, podcasts and tv shows all wirelessly. Or/and having a camera to take video/pictures. Idk if Apple could fit all of this into and make it thinner/bigger capacity AND keep the price tag $299.

Idk about all of you, but thats a pretty huge task for Apple.


  • Reply 1 of 12
    I doubt there's going to be a camera in it until we see the iPhone - nobody needs another device with average camera capabilities, plus as you say they'll want to keep it small. Capacities may extend to 60gb and 120gb sometime soon (probably only in the next year or so) with these new Seagate drives.
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  • Reply 2 of 12
    Originally Posted by b3ns0n

    I doubt there's going to be a camera in it until we see the iPhone - nobody needs another device with average camera capabilities, plus as you say they'll want to keep it small. Capacities may extend to 60gb and 120gb sometime soon (probably only in the next year or so) with these new Seagate drives.

    The iPhone will probably cover the camera, yeah. But since it is Apple I think they'll make it good. I see maybe 4-5 megapixels. I mean think of the video iPod, since its a tiny screen you would think it would be low video quality, but Apple made it look amazing. So I don't think Apple would put a camera on the iPhone or iPod if it wasn't a good quality camera.
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  • Reply 3 of 12
    Apple patented a design recently (past year) that involved embedding hundres of cameras inside the lcd to produce a combined image. This, if used, could open up quite a few possibilities (think mobile ichat video)
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  • Reply 4 of 12
    woah, that would be crazy
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  • Reply 5 of 12
    shady104shady104 Posts: 332member
    so far the best cell phone cameras that actually look like cell phones are 3mp. anything bigger would be bif physically or the pictures would look like shit. and also video chat on cell phones is available in europe and its not too popular. no us providers plan on bring it to the states. so i doubt apple would make something that cant be used in the US.
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  • Reply 6 of 12
    I never did understand how a click-wheel would work on a LCD Display...

    In the current iPods one must push down/click the buttons. How would the iPod distinguish between a click and a slide of the wheel??
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  • Reply 7 of 12
    mbaynhammbaynham Posts: 534member
    Originally Posted by ThinkDifferent

    I never did understand how a click-wheel would work on a LCD Display...

    In the current iPods one must push down/click the buttons. How would the iPod distinguish between a click and a slide of the wheel??

    indeed... but there was that filing thats on this site somewhere where the sensors on the iPod determine how fast your finger/hand is coming towards the screen, differentiates on a hard or soft 'click/push' and acts on that. i think
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  • Reply 8 of 12
    you know apple would figure out how to get a click wheel in there when its not "physicaly" there.
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  • Reply 9 of 12
    yes the patent involved the display projecting out electrodes (or something like that) and then they would bounce off the hand or finger and right back into the display
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  • Reply 10 of 12

    -iPod Digital out port( Toslink)

    - 60 and 120 GB


    - iPod ultra Dock.

    - Airport

    - Video out

    -Audio Out ( High quality DAC )

    - Over the air sync.

    - HDMI out
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  • Reply 11 of 12
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  • Reply 12 of 12
    julesjules Posts: 149member
    Sony came up with tactile response on a touch screen, and it's feasible to have a force sensitive touch screen too (double layer) I dont know whether this has been done or not, but combine those and you can get your click wheel.

    The problem is scratches and wear and tear on a screen that you now want to use as much for viewing as you do for controlling the music.

    Having the controller on the side of the ipod would suddenly make sense, you can have sliders in the same way the clickwheel on the front works - will apple go that way now the the clickwheel is so synonymous with the ipod. Maybe not, but this is one way of solving all the problems. the touchscreen idea, although nice, is too flimsy. My ipod is 2 years old, there is no part of it that is not scratched to hell, but it works fine. Thats what you want from consumer electronics.
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