Replacement parts suppliers? Need a first rev PMG5 processor bezel

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I just bought one of the earliest model PowerMac G5s and accidentally broke the mounting tabs on one of the aluminum decorative plates that says "G5". It's a little part that clips to the very top layer of the heat sink.

I just spent fifteen minutes on hold with Apple only for someone to tell me that it needs to be brought in for service. The person somehow thought that the entire heatsink was unmounted, I tried to explain but this person was a dense one.

I can't find a part number or any supplier that has them. Can someone please help me?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    benzenebenzene Posts: 338member
    I'd try and getting ahold of another rep, but if they keep insisting you bring it in, Try and find an independent authorized apple repair shop, and see if they won't sell you one used. There used to be a lot more of them then there are now, but most major cities still have at least one.

    Barring that...superglue?
  • Reply 2 of 3
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by benzene

    I'd try and getting ahold of another rep, but if they keep insisting you bring it in, Try and find an independent authorized apple repair shop, and see if they won't sell you one used. There used to be a lot more of them then there are now, but most major cities still have at least one.

    Barring that...superglue?

    I'm not going to bother calling back, wait a half an hour with "please hold" repeating every thirty seconds, to risk another completely unhelpful tech.

    It's not a complicated part and there's even a PDF on Apple's site on how to replace it, but they don't offer any part numbers or any easy way to get a replacement.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    With some refinement in my Google keywords, I found a blow-up diagram at that had the part number and found a few places that had that part. It's a $30 part, and given the frustration I had to go through to find it, I'll probably just use some silicone or other glue to hold it in place. Maybe if Apple didn't make it so hard to find I would have bought it.
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