Formac Devideon Software
I have a PowerBook G4 500 and don't think that a Superdrive is going to appear in the Powerbook line for some time.
I have seen the Formac Superdrive that comes with Devideon DVD authoring software. Has anyone tried this software? The Formac site is pretty light on details of this software. I can't imagine that it would have any of the bells and whistles of iDVD 2, but it might be enough to make a descent looking DVD with a menu.
Neal Erickson
[ 07-26-2002: Message edited by: Neal Erickson ]</p>
I have seen the Formac Superdrive that comes with Devideon DVD authoring software. Has anyone tried this software? The Formac site is pretty light on details of this software. I can't imagine that it would have any of the bells and whistles of iDVD 2, but it might be enough to make a descent looking DVD with a menu.
Neal Erickson
[ 07-26-2002: Message edited by: Neal Erickson ]</p>
then have a look
<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.