"itty bitty" apps

in Mac Software edited January 2014
I thought it might be interesting to generate a list of people's favorite small apps - generally donation ware or inexpensive apps. While there have been some very good posts on user's favorite apps these tend to be major apps and there is a world of great "itty bitty" apps out there for us to try out. To start off I'll list my favorite:

SMARTReporter (http://homepage.mac.com/julianmayer/). I found this one after a HD problem. It puts a small HD icon on the menu bar - the icon is green if there if the S.M.A.R.T drive is OK, turning to red if a problem develops. Free, donations accepted.

Mousepose. (http://www.boinx.com/mousepose/) Highlights the cursor with a "spotlight", with the light's size and display adjustable. Nice if you have a large display or multiple displays and want to find the cursor fast - or if you want to use it as a "pointer". $10.

Photo Desktop (http://www.alwintroost.nl/content/ph...ktop/home.xml). A simple app that lets you put multiple pics on the desktop, varying size & rotation. I've got about 60 pics on the iMac at home for my granddaughter. Free, donations accepted.

Check Off (http://www.carpeaqua.com/software/checkoff/) Just a simple, very usable TO Do list that stays on the menu bar, eliminating the need to open iCal. Free, donations accepted.

Sidenote (http://www.chatelp.org/?page_id=5). Basically a little drawer hidden on the side of the display. Just started using it, but it looks interesting. Free, donations accepted.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    CotEditor - Freeware, GPL. Text editor, great for PHP and xhtml. I prefer it to smultron. Takes a teensy bit of tweaking in the prefs before use, as it is Japanese, but switch priority to UTF8 and Western languages, and it is a little champ.

    Tickr - Free. use it to search flickr for terms and then display the photos at the side of your screen, where it slowly scrolls them. Clever and very well done.

    Menumeters - free, GPL. Displays CPU, RAM, Network etc use in the top menubar. Invaluable.

    Google them, as I am too lazy to.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    Voodoo Pad (a very interesting notepad with wiki capabilities) I use it as a note collector, enhanced dock, database, everything

    FlySketch (same guy who makes Voodoo pad) scfreen snaps, free sketching, easy input to other apps

    Both are found here: and are cheap


    Goban (the Japanese game of igo) Freeware and the computer is pretty smart (unlike chess, computers are not a able to take on professional players at this game)


    For older powerbooks, sidetrack is great for enhancing the trackpad ($15)

  • Reply 3 of 5
    I really like...

    GAWKER .. got it from VersionTracker, allows me to make time lapse movies with my iSight

    AWAKEN .. doa google as I can't remember where I got it. Nice little alarm clock for the Mac.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    Classic Menu - Lets you customize the Apple Menu. It's free, http://www.sigsoftware.com/classicmenu/

    TinkerTool - A GUI for all the little UNIX tweaks to the OS. Free. http://www.bresink.com/osx/0TinkerTool/download.html
  • Reply 5 of 5
    Adium - Best IM app on any platform.

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