External Modem Hangs up, Computer asks to restart.

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Since I've updated to 10.4.7 my internet connection using dial up unexpectedly hangs up and asks me to verify my settings and try again. Sometimes a transparent gray screen with a message box in 4 languages ask me to press and hold the power button for a few second so I can restart my MacBook.

And when I do restart my computer it gives me the following Problem Report:


panic(cpu 0 caller 0x0019CADF): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 0, Type 14=page fault), registers:

CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x452aa944, CR3: 0x00ed5000, CR4: 0x000006e0

EAX: 0x4cbebc20, EBX: 0x0000000c, ECX: 0x0075d280, EDX: 0x00000000

ESP: 0x452aa944, EBP: 0x13ba3aa4, ESI: 0x122f558c, EDI: 0x00003000

EFL: 0x00010202, EIP: 0x00706468, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x13ba0010

Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)

0x13ba38dc : 0x128b5e (0x3bc46c 0x13ba3900 0x131bbc 0x0)

0x13ba391c : 0x19cadf (0x3c18e4 0x0 0xe 0x3c169c)

0x13ba39cc : 0x197c7d (0x13ba39e0 0x13ba3aa4 0x706468 0x48)

0x13ba39d8 : 0x706468 (0x48 0x10 0x30b0010 0x13ba0010)

0x13ba3aa4 : 0x708fce (0x122f558c 0xc 0x4cbebc20 0xffffffff)

0x13ba3c04 : 0x70a645 (0x122f558c 0x6 0xffffffff 0x4cbebc20)

0x13ba3d64 : 0x70acdc (0x122f558c 0xc3e5e25a 0x122becb4 0x122becc8)

0x13ba3de4 : 0x67f6bd (0x122b5e00 0x43bb816b 0x13ba3e34 0x67a1af)

0x13ba3e34 : 0x679a64 (0x122b5e00 0x2a9d 0x122b0000 0x30)

0x13ba3e74 : 0x6a54b9 (0x122b5e00 0x122b0000 0x2b40c68 0x1788)

0x13ba3e94 : 0x717604 (0x122b0000 0x13ba3eca 0x13ba3ed4 0x6853c7)

0x13ba3ed4 : 0x71748e (0x122b0100 0x17b1 0x13ba3f14 0x6647b4)

0x13ba3f14 : 0x664ddc (0x122b0100 0x186a 0x41130f2b 0x2f9f568)

0x13ba3f34 : 0x38fe82 (0x2a106c0 0x2acae40 0x8 0x19caf2)

0x13ba3f84 : 0x13d683 (0x2acae40 0x2b71dc0 0x0 0x0)

0x13ba3fd4 : 0x197b19 (0x0 0x0 0x2f9f7e0 0xc) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x0

Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):


dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOSerialFamily(9.0.0d30)@0x574000

dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleSM56KUSBModemFamily(1.0.2b1) @0x61c000

Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 8.7.1: Wed Jun 7 16:19:56 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.9.72.obj~2/RELEASE_I386

Can someone please help me, I'm going crazy my internet connection last about 5 minutes or less most of the time

And before anyones ask, when I use wireless or cable at my Univ. it works perfectly, only using dial up does my internet start hanging up.

~ Extra Info

Computer: MacBook 1.83 GHz and Apple USB External Modem

Web Browser: FireFox 2.0 Beta and Safari


  • Reply 1 of 2
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,434moderator
    Originally Posted by Darth_Apple

    And before anyones ask, when I use wireless or cable at my Univ. it works perfectly, only using dial up does my internet start hanging up.

    That's a kernel panic. Drivers like the USB drivers that run the external modem are outside the OS protection so if they screw up, they can take down your system. It could be a number of things that's wrong. If the modem was working fine before 10.4.7 then I would suspect that may have caused the problem. It could also be a hardware fault.

    You may be able to downgrade the drivers if they have been updated, I'm not sure. I would try to avoid using usb peripherals for internet access. You can get ADSL with an ethernet modem. In the long run, it's usually cheaper than dial-up these days.

    Did the modem come with a driver installation CD? If so, it may be worth a shot running that again.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    That's a kernel panic. Drivers like the USB drivers that run the external modem are outside the OS protection so if they screw up, they can take down your system. It could be a number of things that's wrong. If the modem was working fine before 10.4.7 then I would suspect that may have caused the problem. It could also be a hardware fault.

    You may be able to downgrade the drivers if they have been updated, I'm not sure. I would try to avoid using usb peripherals for internet access. You can get ADSL with an ethernet modem. In the long run, it's usually cheaper than dial-up these days.

    Did the modem come with a driver installation CD? If so, it may be worth a shot running that again.

    Thanks for the reply, well my internet connection works sometimes now but the rest of the time it just disconnects.

    I agree with you .7 probably screwed something up with my external modem I only hope that .8 will fix it, that or I hope Apple will release a patch or something for this problem!!

    My modem did not come with an installation CD. Btw my modem is an official Apple modem (just in case)

    I would also love to upgrade my internet service but I really don't have the money now, plus where I live its still expensive, perhaps one day, but for the moment I'm stuck with dial-up
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