
in Mac Software edited January 2014

I've decided!

$49,95, for .Mac is, more or less, a cigarette per day...

As I don't smoke, since a long time ago, I'm going to join .Mac, sooner or later.


1. I'll can access to Webmail, iDisk, Homepage, Backup, iCards, Anti-Virus, Support, and so on, as someone says,

2. I'll buy something to the company (and this is not despicable...) that better satisfy my needs and my desires, in terms of computation,


3. I'll feel more and more free to tell the "others" that they haven't saw the light, yet? :-)

Best iDotMacs from

José Augusto Macedo do Couto




  • Reply 1 of 4
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    You're a smart man!

    The avg person spends more than .mac at Fast Food joints with nothing to show.

    The issue is some people don't like to pay for something that once was free. I don't blame them...just as I don't blame Apple for current market realities. Enjoy your .mac.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    revsrevs Posts: 93member
    yep $49.95 is a pittiful amount, expecially compared to what i waste on alcohol and gadgets I'm waiting till the last few days tho so i can get the longest time possible for my money
  • Reply 3 of 4
    The cost, for me, is not really the question.

    Apple pulled a bait-and-switch, and I'm not willing to risk myself with their internet services any longer. If they'd asked a fee from the start, fair enough, but what they've done is wrong. It's embarrassing for me to have to tell all the friends that I set up with a address that they can't use it any more, too. I'll think twice about recommending Apple in future.

    In addition to this, my email address is the most unreliable I have *ever* had; many, many times (at least weekly) emails have arrived late, anything from a few minutes up to a day. I've not had that happen with any other service. Not impressed.

    And of course, I don't need Backup, or virus software, &c. I just wanted the email, like most other people who signed up for a address.

    Basically, I can find a service much more reliable at a fraction of the price--and with a domain name--so that's what I'll do.

    [ 08-03-2002: Message edited by: unremarkable ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 4
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by revs:

    <strong>yep $49.95 is a pittiful amount, expecially compared to what i waste on alcohol and gadgets I'm waiting till the last few days tho so i can get the longest time possible for my money </strong><hr></blockquote>

    heh so i'm not the only one who is doing this? me thinks the .Mac signup page will be mighty busy come Sept 30th...
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