Unique Apartment: Brisbane, Australia. St Lucia location, Auction 30Sep.

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014

For those in Australia that may be interested or people wanting to buy into the Australian market. Right next to University of Queensland, one of Australia's Premier universities in the legion of UNSW, USydney, UMelbourne. In Australia this is considered a unit/townhouse. Three levels, very large, private courtyard.


Thanks everyone, this isn't spam, just sharing my family's intent to sell this place, it is unique and where I spent 4 years - final year high skool and first 3 years of university/ college.

Right next to the university, I used to wake up 15 minutes before a lecture, throw on some clothes, grab a sandwich and walk on in. Also in the afternoon if I had a 1 hour break in between lectures or tutorials I'd go back to the apartment and have a bit of a powernap.
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