iPod software update

in Mac Software edited January 2014
The new iPods are shipping, so the new software must be ready.

Does anyone know if Apple will release a software upgrade for older iPods now, or if it will be released at a later date along with iCal and iSync, because, after all, until those two come out, the new iPod features won't be of much use anyway?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    [quote]Originally posted by popmetal:

    <strong>The new iPods are shipping, so the new software must be ready.

    Does anyone know if Apple will release a software upgrade for older iPods now, or if it will be released at a later date along with iCal and iSync, because, after all, until those two come out, the new iPod features won't be of much use anyway?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yes, new iPod are shipping. No, they are not pre-installed with the required SW/FW update. It will be made available when 10.2 ships (iCal and iTunes 3 updater). Available for all new and old iPods. iSync SW is scheduled to ship later this year.

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