Multiple Mac Pro running Boot Camp quesitons. woot.

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Happy Saturday everyone.

I have recently succesfully in stalled Boot Camp on my Mac Pro w/ the ATI card upgrade.


Is there anyway to get windows to leave the date alone? I set it in OSX when I switch to XP its changes it then when i come back to OS X the date and time are wrong.


I have two 19" Benq (how do you pronounce that anyway) one is set as landscape the othe is rotated 90º to Portrait this is easy to set up in system prefs in OSX. When I switch to XP my Main monitor is the secondary and the Portrait monitor is primaray and its not rotated so I have to turn it to landscape to use windows.

I have looked at the settings in XP but the set as primary toggle is greyed out.

Viruses / Malware:

If XP gets a virus is the rest of my system in danger? should I get another internal drive to keep the two kids seperate?

I think thats it for now.

thanks in advance foe all of your help.



  • Reply 1 of 8
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    i would have bought a benq monitor, but as i couldn't pronounce it it didn't.

    Figured i'd spend too long looking at the logo wasting time trying to pronounce it.

    is it Benk, bencue, or Ben-Q????
  • Reply 2 of 8
    Originally Posted by MarcUK

    i would have bought a benq monitor, but as i couldn't pronounce it it didn't.

    Figured i'd spend too long looking at the logo wasting time trying to pronounce it.

    is it Benk, bencue, or Ben-Q????

    This was almost my problem but found that if I buy it online I would never have to actually say it. However this was not the case. Now I find my self leaving cocktail parties early cause I stumble over the pronunciation.

  • Reply 3 of 8
    I imagine it's pronunciation as Bank. I don't know why.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    I was thinking it had more of an 'n' sound.. anyway lets move on to the harder quesitons shall we?

  • Reply 5 of 8
    I always heard it as Ben Q, two words (well a word and a letter)
  • Reply 6 of 8
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by MarcUK

    i would have bought a benq monitor, but as i couldn't pronounce it it didn't.

    Figured i'd spend too long looking at the logo wasting time trying to pronounce it.

    is it Benk, bencue, or Ben-Q????

    I think it's pronounce bonk. Just go up to an attractive female assistant and say "I'd like a bonk please".

    This reminds me of Family Guy:

    Originally Posted by Peter Griffin

    You said "nuclear", its "nucular", dummy. The "s" is silent.

    Originally Posted by Flick Justice

    Is there anyway to get windows to leave the date alone?

    Isn't it something to do with daylight savings? Virtual PC always used to change my time too and I think that's what the problem was.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    I think it's pronounce bonk. Just go up to an attractive female assistant and say "I'd like a bonk please".

    This reminds me of Family Guy:

    Isn't it something to do with daylight savings? Virtual PC always used to change my time too and I think that's what the problem was.

    thanks, I'll have a look in to this.

    and thanks to your 'bonk' suggestion I'll never date in this town again.

  • Reply 8 of 8
    For the date/time thing, use a sync programs. It works great !!!!!!! Not that much but when you boot on XP, it automaticlly set date/time correctly. I don't remember wich one I have at home but there is a couple of free I'm sure. I could tell tonight...
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