Can I access an IE only website w/ out installing Windows?

in macOS edited January 2014
Sorry if this post is a little novice or in the wrong place, but I'm a recent switcher and this is my first post. My question is this: I have a website that I need to access for the next month or so. It's a practice question bank for an exam that I'm taking. The site clearly states that it only supports Internet Explorer on Windows XP. It specifically states it does not support any platform other than windows, such as Linux, or Mac, and does not even support Firefox on a windows PC.

So I really need to access this site, and I've tried it on both my new macs (I went all out when I switched, I got a Blackbook and a 24" iMac the very next day! Can you tell I was bitter w/ Windows?) and it's been unsucessful to load the exam part of the site. I keep getting the same error message about needing to be on Internet Explorer. I've tried a little trick I read about in one of Pouge's books, which is to use the TinkerTool utilities, then Debug and change my user agent to IE and try to emulate IE, but it didn't work. I don't want to install Windows via Bootcamp for several reasons. First of all, after this exam in a month, I won't really need it anyway, since I'm pretty sure this is the only site I access that will absolutely not support anything but IE and I don't use any Windows only apps or games. Secondly, I've read of people having problems using Bootcamp v. 1.1.1 on 24" displays since the display isn't supported, so I'm kinda nervous to mess w/ my new obsession, aka my iMac. Especially since I'm so new at Mac OS and don't really have the time to start a major troubleshooting/recovery excercise.

So short of installing Windows on my machine (which I guess would have to be only the MacBook since the 24" iMacs are having issues) is there any other way around this?

Oh, and 1 more thing, I hunted for a download of IE 5 for mac and after installing it, that didn't work either. The site still knows I'm running in Mac OS even though I'm running IE.

Any helpful info would be greatfully appreciated.


  • Reply 1 of 20
    copsecopse Posts: 64member
    Bootcamp 1.1.1 works on my iMac 24" 2.16Ghz, 2gig RAM & 7600gfx.

    You could use Parallels. That way you don´t have to reboot everytime you have to use Windows/IE. But that still invovles installing Windows.

    Longshot: Have you tried Opera and have it identify as IE?

    CrossOver is a software that can run Windows programs directly in OS X. IE 6 is supported.
  • Reply 2 of 20
    rob05aurob05au Posts: 348member
    If you get really desperate I have IE 5.2.3 the last ever version for mac which should run under rosetta.
  • Reply 3 of 20
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    I would try Crossover first but I have a feeling the site might be using ActiveX and I don't know if that's supported. Next try Parallels. You do need a Windows system disc but it doesn't have to be XP SP2 like it does for Bootcamp.
  • Reply 4 of 20
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Did you try setting Safari to pretend to be Windows IE?

    In Terminal, type

    defaults write IncludeDebugMenu=1

    and restart Safari.

    From the new Debug menu, choose User Agent and try different ones.

    (NOTE: that may be 'includeDebugMenu', with a small "i". Try it that way if the first way does not work).
  • Reply 5 of 20
    ijanoijano Posts: 19member
    Thanks for the replies everyone,


    If you get really desperate I have IE 5.2.3 the last ever version for mac which should run under rosetta

    I've downloaded a version of IE that I know is 5.2.x, not sure about the last number cuz oddly enough, after reading your reply I went to go check and now IE just hangs on me. It was working earlier, it just wasn't working on that site. I've a feeling any version of IE is not gonna work though.


    Did you try setting Safari to pretend to be Windows IE?

    I think I basically did that exact thing, just in another way. I downloaded a utility called "TinkerTool" and pretty much did the same thing. It gives you the option to change the settings in Safari and choose the "User Agent"and switch it to IE. But the problem is, everytime a new window or tab is opened in Safari, the setting gets set back to Automatic. So what happens is I can naviagate the site, but the second the time comes to click the link for an exam, which opens a new window, it opens a window that says I can't access the site and I go up to check the Debug and sure enough, it's set back to automatic already.


    - Longshot: Have you tried Opera and have it identify as IE?

    CrossOver is a software that can run Windows programs directly in OS X. IE 6 is supported.

    I'm not familiar with Crossover, I'm gonna look into that now.


    You could use Parallels. That way you don´t have to reboot everytime you have to use Windows/IE. But that still invovles installing Windows.

    I wanted to avoid paying the $80 or so it costs for Parallels, but I guess I could if it makes that much of a difference. Is it a cleaner way of running Windows than w/ Bootcamp? I just don't know about installing Bootacmp on my 24" iMac. I know some people (Copse) have had no trouble w/ it, but I've read enough posts on Apple's site forum that it makes me too nervous to gamble my luck at it.

    Thanks for all the help everyone, I'll try your suggestions. Will let you know if anything works.

    PS - If I do have to install Windows, I was thinking of avoiding purchasing a new copy, just to use for the next month or so and then wiping it off my machine only to never use it again. So my brother gave me a copy of his, which I think is an older copy w/ out SP, is that gonna be a problem for either Parllels or Bootcamp?
  • Reply 6 of 20
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    Originally Posted by ijano

    I'm not familiar with Crossover, I'm gonna look into that now.

    Crossover is a good solution. It's just a program that uses bottles, which are like mini versions of the Windows systems and you install each application against one of them. It then creates a .app that you can double click in OS X and it runs the program without Windows.

    I've only managed to get a few programs to work so far. Firefox, Virtualdub and Winamp but IE is said to be supported.

    Originally Posted by ijano

    I wanted to avoid paying the $80 or so it costs for Parallels, but I guess I could if it makes that much of a difference. Is it a cleaner way of running Windows than w/ Bootcamp?

    Yeah, it's easier than Bootcamp too. The only problem with it currently is that it doesn't support DirectX but for things like Office, IE, and usual programs, it is the most compatible way of running Windows short of Bootcamp.

    Originally Posted by ijano

    So my brother gave me a copy of his, which I think is an older copy w/ out SP, is that gonna be a problem for either Parllels or Bootcamp?

    For Bootcamp it would be a problem but not for Parallels.
  • Reply 7 of 20
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Tell us the name of the website and we'll inundate them with severe punishment for doing such a stupid thing. Haven't they ever heard of W3C compatibility?

    Get your anon proxies and bogus email addresses ready, folks..
  • Reply 8 of 20
    ijanoijano Posts: 19member

    Tell us the name of the website and we'll inundate them with severe punishment for doing such a stupid thing.

    LOL....I don't know if you were serious about this, but incidentally, in case anyone is curious, or if having the actual site could provide more info, the site is . It's a site that simulates timed exams to practice for a medical licensing exam. (I'm a med stuent). The way it works, I log in to my account fine, but when I try to start an actual exam simulation, it automatically opens another window in which to start the exam, which I believe uses JavaScript . That's the part that won't work on Mac OS.

    The thing is, the site not only says it won't work on any other browser besides IE, it also specifically states that it won't work on any platform other than Windows, specifically XP if I'm not mistaken.

    Anyway, thanks for all the help everyone. I'm writing this on a break at the hospital, so I'll have to try the tricks everyone suggested when i get home. Appreciate the help!
  • Reply 9 of 20
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    That's the reason I'm not a doctor. Was never able to practice for the exams...

    Go to the library or some other public place and borrow a PC. Don't be too quick to give your money to the other side if ya don't have to.
  • Reply 10 of 20
    ijanoijano Posts: 19member

    Go to the library or some other public place and borrow a PC. Don't be too quick to give your money to the other side if ya don't have to.

    That's not a bad idea I guess. It's just nice to be able to study at home and not depending on going to a library and working around their hours, etc., for studying.

    Ironically, I since I had just bought the macs, I put up my old Gateway laptop for sale on Ebay and just shipped it off to the buyer today. I guess maybe I should have kept it for another month or so, just to use it for that site, but I really needed the money. Oh well...
  • Reply 11 of 20
    In opera you get a "mask as IE" and a "identify as IE" option in "site preference"

    Maybe you could try that too.
  • Reply 12 of 20
    copsecopse Posts: 64member
  • Reply 13 of 20
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by dmegatool

    In opera you get a "mask as IE" and a "identify as IE" option in "site preference"

    Maybe you could try that too.

    Because you mentioned that I went ahead and downloaded Opera but I can't find that option...?
  • Reply 14 of 20
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    I sent them a feedback email


    I teach med students every day and I would NEVER recommend this site to any of them.

    Restricted to Windows only? And only IE? And lame attempts to disable copying? What the hell is wrong with you people? Don't you know the huge percentage of students that have the new MacBook laptops? There is no valid reason to set a site up like this except laziness. Have you ever heard of W3C Compliance?

    The aggressive and demeaning nature of the Terms and Conditions also is a very poor way to approach your potential customers.

    I am going to make a point of warning my students to avoid this site when time for prepping for USMLE is near.

  • Reply 15 of 20
    Originally Posted by ijano

    Sorry if this post is a little novice or in the wrong place, but I'm a recent switcher and this is my first post. My question is this: I have a website that I need to access for the next month or so. It's a practice question bank for an exam that I'm taking. The site clearly states that it only supports Internet Explorer on Windows XP. It specifically states it does not support any platform other than windows, such as Linux, or Mac, and does not even support Firefox on a windows PC.

    So I really need to access this site, and I've tried it on both my new macs (I went all out when I switched, I got a Blackbook and a 24" iMac the very next day! Can you tell I was bitter w/ Windows?) and it's been unsucessful to load the exam part of the site. I keep getting the same error message about needing to be on Internet Explorer. I've tried a little trick I read about in one of Pouge's books, which is to use the TinkerTool utilities, then Debug and change my user agent to IE and try to emulate IE, but it didn't work. I don't want to install Windows via Bootcamp for several reasons. First of all, after this exam in a month, I won't really need it anyway, since I'm pretty sure this is the only site I access that will absolutely not support anything but IE and I don't use any Windows only apps or games. Secondly, I've read of people having problems using Bootcamp v. 1.1.1 on 24" displays since the display isn't supported, so I'm kinda nervous to mess w/ my new obsession, aka my iMac. Especially since I'm so new at Mac OS and don't really have the time to start a major troubleshooting/recovery excercise.

    So short of installing Windows on my machine (which I guess would have to be only the MacBook since the 24" iMacs are having issues) is there any other way around this?

    Oh, and 1 more thing, I hunted for a download of IE 5 for mac and after installing it, that didn't work either. The site still knows I'm running in Mac OS even though I'm running IE.

    Any helpful info would be greatfully appreciated.

    Here is the resonse email I received from their support team...

    We will be supporting MAC OS X shortly for Step 2 and Step 3 QBank. Step 2 QBank will be available for trial in next 2-3 days. If you would like to try it (Step 2 QBank) out for 2-3 days please let us know so that we can get in touch with you.

    Step 1 QBank is already compatible with MAC OS X.

    Feel free to contact us if you have any other concerns.

    Thank you,

    Usmleworld Support
  • Reply 16 of 20
    ijanoijano Posts: 19member

    I don't know what to say guys! I have to tell you aside from the fact that I'm loving the new Macs that I got for their OS, for their bada** looks, for the iLife software (I've already turned the DV tapes from my parents trip to China into DVD's for them - it was so easy and so cool!!) and everything else that rocks about this computer, I have to say, ONE OF THE COOLEST PARTS ABOUT OWNING A MAC IS THE OVERWHELMING SENSE OF COMMUNITY AMONG THE OWNERS!!!

    Seriously, this forum rocks, and I'm consistently impressed with how much everyone trys to help one another. So defo a personal thanks to "Lundy" and "lsngctrl" for emailing that site and getting their butts into gear, and to anyone else who helped by advising me or emailing the site to let them know they're dropping the ball by not supporting OS X.

    Again, I really feel like this is one of the coolest parts of owning a Mac. I mentioned I was a med student - well, I was working in the ER a couple of weeks ago, and it was like a day or 2 after I bought my MacBook. I had a patient of mine that I spent a lot of time w/, as we were running some tests, etc. and it was taking a while for him. So later on, after he was in the ER for a few hours, I go to check on him and see that he's entertaining himself by watching a DVD on his 12" powerbook (which I still think is one of the most attractive computers I've every seen). Anyway, I started talking to him and found out he actually is a professional Mac consultant. When I told him that I had just bought a MacBook and made the switch the other day he was like "WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!" and he handed me his card, and told me some tips, and told me that if I ever needed anything to ring him up or email him. Now it may have been he was so nice cuz I helped make his back pain go away, but I like to think that that's kinda how Mac people are. Maybe I'm being idealistic, but I really do see a difference in Mac users when it comes to their computers and other Mac users.

    Anyway, thanks again everyone, and keep up the good work soldiers!!
  • Reply 17 of 20
    Originally Posted by lundy

    Did you try setting Safari to pretend to be Windows IE?

    In Terminal, type

    defaults write IncludeDebugMenu=1

    and restart Safari.

    From the new Debug menu, choose User Agent and try different ones.

    (NOTE: that may be 'includeDebugMenu', with a small "i". Try it that way if the first way does not work).

    This is the route you want to take.
  • Reply 18 of 20
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    You can try it with netscape as well.
  • Reply 19 of 20
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by lsngctrl

    Here is the resonse email I received from their support team...

    We will be supporting MAC OS X shortly for Step 2 and Step 3 QBank. Step 2 QBank will be available for trial in next 2-3 days. If you would like to try it (Step 2 QBank) out for 2-3 days please let us know so that we can get in touch with you.

    Step 1 QBank is already compatible with MAC OS X.

    Feel free to contact us if you have any other concerns.

    Thank you,

    Usmleworld Support

    As expected - they give themselves away as being idiots by using the telltale Windroid's signature "MAC". I think they teach this in MSCE school.

    I haven't received a reply yet but if I do I will point out to them that it is no wonder they do not support Macs since they don't even know how to spell it.
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