Apple prepares for Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro ramp

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Apple Computer this month has begun to slow production of its existing Core Duo MacBook Pro professional notebooks ahead of refreshed models that will sport Intel Corp's higher-performance Core 2 Duo microprocessors, AppleInsider has learned.

While Apple's online store continues to list immediate availability of Core Duo MacBook Pro models, the company this week is quoting some of its distribution and reseller partners wait times of 2 to 3 weeks for new custom-configured orders.

These reports are joined by tips from insiders who say the Cupertino, Calif.-based company is preparing to begin -- if it has not done so already -- manufacturing ramp of its holiday line of MacBook Pro notebooks.

The Mac maker last month was reported to have completed development of revisions to its entire notebook product family, including new 15- and 17-inch professional MacBook Pros as well as new 13-inch consumer MacBooks.

The new models are expected to sport similar specifications to existing models, but exchange their Core Duo microprocessors for Intel's new Core 2 Duo chips, which run at speeds of up to 2.33GHz dual-core.

It remains unclear whether Apple will refresh both notebook lines simultaneously, or if it will hold off the introduction of updated 13-inch MacBooks in order to reduce inventories of Core Duo processors.

Unlike the MacBook Pro, which began shipping in February, the MacBook remains a relatively new product by Apple's historical standards, having been introduced just four and a half months ago. The MacBook also remained in high-demand through September (outselling MacBook Pro by a more than 2 to 1 ratio) while demand for the MacBook Pro was more subdued.

Nevertheless, people familiar with Apple's plans say the company is on track to updated both notebook lines prior to the holiday shopping season, which kicks off in typical chaotic fashion the day after Thanksgiving.


  • Reply 1 of 107
    bdj21yabdj21ya Posts: 297member
    Haha. This is news? All this article says is that some notebooks, either one line or both (we're not sure) will be updated with Core2 duo processors at some unspecified point in the future. But, it does a dang good job of making itself sound like there is some news in there.

    EDIT: Below I repent for saying there was no news here. All I meant was that news is pretty slow on Fridays, so this is what passes for news. I think that the staff of AI generally does a great job of bringing us news and rumors pretty quickly.
  • Reply 2 of 107
    Originally Posted by bdj21ya

    Haha. This is news? All this article says is that some notebooks, either one line or both (we're not sure) will be updated with Core2 duo processors at some unspecified point in the future. But, it does a dang good job of making itself sound like there is some news in there.

    You're right, bdj21ya... not so sensational news, indeed.

    In Italy we're waiting for the student's discount season (Mac + free ? 150 iPod) to be ended tomorrow.

    It wouldn't be so reasonable to give the green light to the new MB / MBP lines before this period ends.

    Or, maybe, I'm wrong. Who knows...

    I'm still waiting for my splendid Macbook Pro C2Duo. The first one. Simply, a Beauty of its own.
  • Reply 3 of 107
    aiolosaiolos Posts: 228member
    yeah, this is basically just what we knew was happening before, does say "similar specifications" so I guess a new inclosure is probably out, but I hope they at least update the graphics card to a x1700 and maybe add a nicer closure mechanism. \
  • Reply 4 of 107
    gargar Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by bdj21ya

    Haha. This is news? All this article says is that some notebooks, either one line or both (we're not sure) will be updated with Core2 duo processors at some unspecified point in the future. But, it does a dang good job of making itself sound like there is some news in there.

    Probably you are a little dyslectic because I read something else:

    (Or I am dyslectic and didn't noticed it for a couple of decennia, until now)

    01. Production of MBP has been ramped up. (or will be in a couple of days)

    02. MBP will be available in 2-3 weeks, according to the fact CTO models won't be available for this period of time.

    03. Apple is clearing current inventory.

    04. Probably just a speedbumped Core2Duo model, no new design or features for the MBP.

    That's news to me.
  • Reply 5 of 107
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Thank funk for that! Now shove 'em out the doors, there's restless people everywhere!
  • Reply 6 of 107
    Originally Posted by gar

    Probably you are a little dyslectic because I read something else:

    (Or I am dyslectic and didn't noticed it for a couple of decennia, until now)

    01. Production of MBP has been ramped up. (or will be in a couple of days)

    02. MBP will be available in 2-3 weeks, according to the fact CTO models won't be available for this period of time.

    03. Apple is clearing current inventory.

    04. Probably just a speedbumped Core2Duo model, no new design or features for the MBP.

    That's news to me.

    Come on, take it easy... it's only a way to say that if you look around yourself, you see C2Duo laptops appearing here and there from other manufacturers...

    So it's quite clear that Apple too will soon take part to the parade.

    And I hope so! With a little bit more confidence in a new design for my beloved MBP...

    Have a nice day!

  • Reply 7 of 107
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by gar

    Probably you are a little dyslectic because I read something else:

    (Or I am dyslectic and didn't noticed it for a couple of decennia, until now)

    01. Production of MBP has been ramped up. (or will be in a couple of days)

    02. MBP will be available in 2-3 weeks, according to the fact CTO models won't be available for this period of time.

    03. Apple is clearing current inventory.

    04. Probably just a speedbumped Core2Duo model, no new design or features for the MBP.

    That's news to me.


    What don't you like design wise about the MBPs? I personally wouldn't change a thing. While some wish for the MB keyboard, I think the MBPs backlit keyboard is superior. Only thing I would perhaps like added would be the magnetic latch. No biggie to me though.
  • Reply 8 of 107
    bdj21yabdj21ya Posts: 297member
    Originally Posted by gar

    Probably you are a little dyslectic because I read something else:

    (Or I am dyslectic and didn't noticed it for a couple of decennia, until now)

    01. Production of MBP has been ramped up. (or will be in a couple of days)

    02. MBP will be available in 2-3 weeks, according to the fact CTO models won't be available for this period of time.

    03. Apple is clearing current inventory.

    04. Probably just a speedbumped Core2Duo model, no new design or features for the MBP.

    That's news to me.

    01. No, production has not been ramped up, the title was misleading. All that was reported is that some suppliers have been quoted longer ship times FOR CUSTOM ORDERS, and that some tipsters think they might be starting (or might have already started) to begin ramping up production (I assume this is the step right after they think about starting to begin to start ramping production). Merom MBP ramping may not take place for another month for all we know from this article.

    02. I assume you mean Merom MBP, since MBP are in stores now. Just because BTO models are shipping in 2-3 weeks does not neccessarily mean they will have Meroms in them when they get here, though I think it would be great if they do. However, if BTO models are going to have the chips in 2-3 weeks, does that mean that stock orders will have Merom even sooner?

    03. This is just based on the reports contained in #01.

    04. That's what I always expected. To be honest though, the design is almost perfect. Adding a purely magnetic latch could be cool if they could get it to work as well as MB. Also, a better graphics card would help a lot of people out.
  • Reply 9 of 107
    I will be very mad if they do not make some changes. I will prob put my money else where if thats the case. If they dont up the ram, make the screen res higher, and change the latch with some other stuff, I'll prob buy a laptop from some where else. Every other C2D laptop as an option for more ram, theirs no reason why apple should be any different. That's one of the main reasons I have been waiting for C2D. Damnit Apple don't f!ck with me like this
  • Reply 10 of 107
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    good, maybe i'll get a new in box macbook pro in place of the refurb i overstock...that would be nice.
  • Reply 11 of 107
    Originally Posted by bdj21ya

    Haha. This is news? All this article says is that some notebooks, either one line or both (we're not sure) will be updated with Core2 duo processors at some unspecified point in the future. But, it does a dang good job of making itself sound like there is some news in there.

    That's because there is some news in there. The news is that wait times have increased. This is stated three different ways within the first three sentences. This is a strong signal that Apple is clearing the channel for new product introductions. This, in turn, means that that "unspecified point in the futrure" will be sooner rather than later. For those of us about to make a purchase, it is a "heads up" to hold off a week or so so that you don't get stung.

    Secondly, this is a rumors site, not a news site. Try to remember that; and make sure you have plenty of salt to read with.
  • Reply 12 of 107
    Originally Posted by Digital Disasta

    I will be very mad if they do not make some changes. I will prob put my money else where if thats the case. If they dont up the ram, make the screen res higher, and change the latch with some other stuff, I'll prob buy a laptop from some where else. Every other C2D laptop as an option for more ram, theirs no reason why apple should be any different. That's one of the main reasons I have been waiting for C2D. Damnit Apple don't f!ck with me like this

    Actually, I was talking with SJ the other day, and, in fact, they are actually f!cking with YOU in particular. He said as much. And a couple of other people at AppleInsider. Most of the bigwigs sit around the boardroom and read AppleInsider and pick out people to taunt. They saw you and said "Wouldn't it be fun if we mess with this guy? Bet it pisses him off."

    More ram will come, but I have yet to see another laptop half as sexy as the MBP's -- the others all so awkward and clumsy. Four weeks, maybe six, and you'll have your Meron and hopefully some extra ram -- hang in there.
  • Reply 13 of 107
    bdj21yabdj21ya Posts: 297member
    Originally Posted by jbh0001

    That's because there is some news in there. The news is that wait times have increased. This is a strong signal that Apple is clearing the channel fro new product indtroductions. This, in turn, means that that "unspecified point in the futrure" will be sooner rather than later. For those of us about to make a purchase, it is a "heads up" to hold off a week or so so that you don't get stung.

    Secondly, this is a rumors site, not a news site. Try to remember that.

    No, you're right, there is definitely some news/rumor in there. I was just pointing out that it wasn't more than we've already heard on this same site. I think AI is generally a great source for news and rumors, and appreciate the work of the staff.
  • Reply 14 of 107
    bdj21yabdj21ya Posts: 297member
    Originally Posted by Digital Disasta

    I will be very mad if they do not make some changes. I will prob put my money else where if thats the case. If they dont up the ram, make the screen res higher, and change the latch with some other stuff, I'll prob buy a laptop from some where else. Every other C2D laptop as an option for more ram, theirs no reason why apple should be any different. That's one of the main reasons I have been waiting for C2D. Damnit Apple don't f!ck with me like this

    Um. Is something about your browser broken that you can't use the option to add more RAM in the Apple store?

    Also, I don't see how changing who you bank with (putting your money somewhere else) is related to Apple's notebook specs. But if you meant that you would purchase a notebook from a different manufacturer, I'm perplexed. If you don't care all that much about things like the iSight, the remote, Tiger, better esthetics/design, Front Row, etc., then why are you even considering paying the extra $ for all these features?
  • Reply 15 of 107
    Why would you shoot the messenger?

    This is not a new service. Never declared that it was. We bookmark this sight because of their efforts in attempt to get the latest and as accurate info as they can on Apple.

    We realize that some of it is pure gossip, but with everybody lying through the teeth these days, it is amazing that they do so well.

    Back in the 50's there was a major research study that showed that the biggest readers of Chevy ads were Chevy owners. Things haven't changed. As such, I hope that AppleInsider continues with their efforts. I just wished that they would work on the weekends as well.
  • Reply 16 of 107
    So Apple will be a bit late to the Merom party. All this article does is guess at a date when the new models will be available and guesses that only the Pro line will go Core2 this year.

    I still think Apple has its collective head up its ass when positioning products. They seem to think bigger is always better, that serious users would never want something in a more practical size. Pro photographers and other demanding users who are always working out of a bag don't want to be carrying a 15" notebook around. Apple has always put the highest performance parts and options into their big computers. The 12" PowerBook was always crippled compared to the 15 and 17 and witness the new iMac where you can only get FireWire 800 and a decent performing graphics chip in the 24" model.
  • Reply 17 of 107
    elronelron Posts: 126member
    Originally Posted by backtomac


    What don't you like design wise about the MBPs? I personally wouldn't change a thing. While some wish for the MB keyboard, I think the MBPs backlit keyboard is superior. Only thing I would perhaps like added would be the magnetic latch. No biggie to me though.

    I still like the TiBook enclosure better than that AlBook. I know it has its issues, but I still think it's better. After 3.5 years of use, the hinges on mine are as strong as they were the day I got it, and I got it used. I love that the display can open until it's parallel with the base. Sure, the paint's chipping off, but at least it isn't dented like my girlfriend's AlBook (to be fair, I didn't drop my computer down the stairs like she did). I added RAM to my computer with no issues whatsoever. Just pop up the keyboard, insert the chip, and go. Speaking of the keyboard, I like that better too.

    I've used both enclosures pretty heavily and the TiBook is just better.

    I don't necessarily think they should go back to the TiBook enclosure, but there are definitely aspects of the MBP enclosure that could be improvied.
  • Reply 18 of 107
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Digital Disasta

    I will be very mad if they do not make some changes. I will prob put my money else where if thats the case. If they dont up the ram, make the screen res higher, and change the latch with some other stuff, I'll prob buy a laptop from some where else. Every other C2D laptop as an option for more ram, theirs no reason why apple should be any different. That's one of the main reasons I have been waiting for C2D. Damnit Apple don't f!ck with me like this

    You use some very odd reasoning.

    Do you have a Mac now? If so, why do you have it? Because of the amount of RAM it came with? The video card? What?

    If you don't, then why are you thinking of getting one? Because of the above reasons?

    Because you like the way it looks?

    There must be some intelligent reason.

    Does the OS have anything to do with it? If so, why are you willing to let that go for a bit of RAM which you can either have Apple add when you make the purchase, or you can add more cheaply yourself later? Is it actually possible that you know so very little about Apple's machines, or all computers in general, that you really don't know that RAM can be added to all of Apple's machines?

    Did it ever occur to you to go to Apple's site, and go to the store, and look at what can be had, and the permutations, BEFORE you made such an odd post?

    Your post is very strange. Are you trolling for famboish reactions?
  • Reply 19 of 107
    felinfelin Posts: 18member
    I don't like the terms "Holiday Shopping Season" and "Thanksgiving" being thrown around . I HOPE TO GOD that it is released on the 10th.
  • Reply 20 of 107
    Originally Posted by Felin

    I don't like the terms "Holiday Shopping Season" and "Thanksgiving" being thrown around . I HOPE TO GOD that it is released on the 10th.

    With Xmas shopping now starting in July these days (well, maybe, but pretty close), we can only hope. That'd be pretty cool.
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