Deploy CUPS printers.conf file via ARD?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hi all

Anyone have an idea how to push out CUPS Printers to Tiger clients using ARD 3? I have been trying to send out the printers.conf file located in /etc/cups to a few Macs, but after the CUPS file copies to its destination, print jobs error out with a generic "a printing error has occurred" message. I checked permissions, etc and everything looks good. I assume Im missing another file somewhere but am stumped.

Basically what I want to do is set my Mac with 5 AppleTalk printers from my LAN, and then reproduce those printers for 10 other Macs so that those users see the exact same printers I see in my Print Setup Utility. I don't want to have to set up the printers manually on each Mac. I figured it would be a no-brainer to copy the CUPS file via ARD but Im having no luck at all thus far.

Once the printers.conf file is copied to their Macs, They can "see" the new printers in their Print Setup as desired, but they are unable to print to any of them. Rebooting doesnt help.


All Macs and printers are in the same AppleTalk zone.

All Macs are on the same subnet and VLAN.

All Macs are the identical version of OS X and are from the same NetBoot NetRestore master image.

All Macs are running 10.4.7.

Users do not need to authenticate to print.

All printing is done direct to the printers - no print server is in the middle.

All Macs have the ARD 3.0 client properly installed.

All Macs are Power Mac PPC G5s with 1.5 GB RAM.

No users are logged into their Macs when I attempt to copy the printers.conf file (no users are printing or running Print Setup Utility etc)

All of the printers are PostScript/PCL HP LaserJet's with valid AppleTalk names and Zone info.

I can print to all of the printers just fine and my other Macs can print to them also when configured manually.

There must be a practical way to mass-deploy CUPS printer settings to my Macs via ARD. Obviously I'm missing a critical step. Any ideas?

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