pkg files in /Libray/Receipts

in macOS edited January 2014

I just happened to look inside /Library/Receipts and saw a truckload of pkg files there. There seem to be multiple versions of pkg files for the same software, for example, iphoto, iphoto_604, iphoto_602 etc.

There are also a lot of pkg files for languages such as Italian.pkg, German.pkg etc.

These files are all a few MB each in size. Would it be OK to delete them? Are they just the installable packages for the software that is already on my Mac?



  • Reply 1 of 2
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by tilt

    These files are all a few MB each in size. Would it be OK to delete them? Are they just the installable packages for the software that is already on my Mac?

    No, and no.

    These packages don't actually contain any data; they'd be a lot bigger if they did. They are provided as hints for Software Update and for Repair Permissions. That is, they show what software is installed and what permissions it should have.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    tilttilt Posts: 396member
    Ah, OK. Thanks Chucker

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