iPhone Speculation

in iPhone edited January 2014
It seems that the month of January is going to bring on some exciting new Apple products. Things such as Leopard, 6G iPod, and iPhone are possibly going to be a release that month. My speculation is that the iPhone is going to become just as popular in cell phones as the iPod did with digital music players. Its possible that two different versions of the iPhone are going to be released, and I see that as a highly likely possibility. The first would most likely be a flip phone with the ability to do what most cell phones can do today (bluetooth..camera..mp3 player..) and I also believe the release of some kind of Apple smart phone is also in the plans for Apple. A small keyboard, camera, ability to email, play .ipg files (these are the Apple game downloads off iTunes...they stand for IPod Games...but I also believe they are going to be allowed on the phone, which allows it to stand for IPhone Games (.ipg)) The smart phone should have wifi access and have certain mac programs, such as some form of Safari Mobile, and iChat, Address Book, iTunes, Mail, and iCal. Please let me know what you think of the "long rumored" iPhone and its infinite possibilities.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    Originally Posted by macs_finest

    It seems that the month of January is going to bring on some exciting new Apple products. Things such as Leopard, 6G iPod, and iPhone are possibly going to be a release that month. My speculation is that the iPhone is going to become just as popular in cell phones as the iPod did with digital music players. Its possible that two different versions of the iPhone are going to be released, and I see that as a highly likely possibility. The first would most likely be a flip phone with the ability to do what most cell phones can do today (bluetooth..camera..mp3 player..) and I also believe the release of some kind of Apple smart phone is also in the plans for Apple. A small keyboard, camera, ability to email, play .ipg files (these are the Apple game downloads off iTunes...they stand for IPod Games...but I also believe they are going to be allowed on the phone, which allows it to stand for IPhone Games (.ipg)) The smart phone should have wifi access and have certain mac programs, such as some form of Safari Mobile, and iChat, Address Book, iTunes, Mail, and iCal. Please let me know what you think of the "long rumored" iPhone and its infinite possibilities.

    Flip phone? Hell no. Keyboard? Hell no. Look for something that looks like an iPod, maybe a bit similar to the LG Chocolate.

    A slightly more daring but plausible idea would be a totally smooth phone with touch screen. Then it would look like the 6G iPod, use some of the new tech that's been developed by Apple, and really stand out from the rest of the available phones on the market. Separate input interfaces on the touchscreen for telephone, mp3, SMS and calendar funtions would be a big design leap in the mobile phone world.
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