MS Outlook vs Enterouge for Mac
What is the difference between Outlook and Entourage for Mac? Does it still interface with the contacts and calendar like Outlook for Win does? My dad is looking to get a new laptop and the only program he heavily uses is Outlook, with automated meeting requests from his office and the like. Any help you can give me would be great as I've never used Entourage.
Entourage is terrible with exchange servers, IMO. I just use the web interface. Unfortunately, if his main program is Outlook, I really can't recommend a Mac for him.
That's what I was looking for. I didn't how how well they worked together. Thanks BRussell.
Entourage is terrible with exchange servers, IMO. I just use the web interface. Unfortunately, if his main program is Outlook, I really can't recommend a Mac for him.
I wouldn't go that far. For one thing you can run Windows on a Mac so there's no problem. You can probably run outlook under Crossover and you definitely can in Parallels because my sister-in-law does.
Just because Outlook doesn't work on OS X natively doesn't mean you shouldn't buy a Mac.
Teaching my father to run Parallels or CrossOver when he wants to use Outlook would be more then difficult. I'll give him the information and see what he does.
don't forget to mention iLife in a nice sentence, do you?
If you do end up using both Entourage and Outlook... When switching back and forth between Outlook (in virtual) and Entourage, fortunately, provided that your mail is stored server-side (i.e. if you're using an Exchange or IMAP account), you will not have to manually import sent and received mail from one app to the other - you'll see the same mail in both apps.
With regard to differences between Outlook and Entourage -
Entourage does not use .pst files, but either mbox or .rge files (you're choice). There's good reason to use .rge files over mbox though. I've written up the details here - How To Archive Entourage 2008 Mail using Multiple Identities
Another feature of significance to note is the booking of resources isn't the same in between the two apps. Here's how you schedule a conference room in Entourage - How to reserve a conference room in Entourage 2008 Calendar
What is the difference between Outlook and Entourage for Mac? Does it still interface with the contacts and calendar like Outlook for Win does? My dad is looking to get a new laptop and the only program he heavily uses is Outlook, with automated meeting requests from his office and the like. Any help you can give me would be great as I've never used Entourage.
Neither: mail, calendar and address book is all you need and 100x better than those programs.
Neither: mail, calendar and address book is all you need and 100x better than those programs.
You'll be right. But not right now. Right now, if the requirement is Outlook compatibility, Parallels or VMware is the best option - if you want to stay within the confines of the Mac experience. Otherwise Bootcamp.
When Snow Leopard is released, this *probable* solve all your Outlook problems because then you can simple natively use OS X's built-in Mail, Calendar, and Address Book to manage your Exchange (Outlook) profiles. Without the choice between crappy Entourage or worse Outlook. Snow Leopard is planning on being released in September ( I think - might need to check the date on that ).
***Resist urges to go off on super hostile angry rant on Outlook, Entourage, and Exchange....
Neither: mail, calendar and address book is all you need and 100x better than those programs.
Well, that depends. All installations of Exchange server are unique. If your Exchange server is setup to allow Mail/iCal/Address Book, then great. If not, then Entourage may have to do.
Oh I just love it when people give these excuses of "that is not an option because I have to use [insert MS piece of sh1t software here]". Why do you HAVE to use it? It obviously does not confer any added feature because as you said it yourself the software is broken so if using a broken POS is the feature you are looking for then good luck.
You missed the point almost completely. If you are required to run it, probable in his father's case by his work, then by definition, he is *required* to run the software. Economic mobility is at a premium right now in this current economy, and it is foolish to suggest that he change jobs - people *require* money. And if that requirement means that some people are going to have to use MS software - then it has to be done. Sometimes people use said software because in turn, it makes money to feed the family. Which is considerable more important than using or not using POS software.
I would agree Entourage has some serious problems in an exchange server environment as I've heard it has nothing but problems there, esp errors with mailDAV. This is extremely short sighted of MS... almost inexcusable... makes me almost think it's a ham handed approach by MS to get folks to run a PC (they've done sillier things). Also the lack of .pst compatibility is sad... then again, they are not the same app and MS should do better to inform people of this. It's sort of a express meets outlook with lipstick and better usability, but less features (than latter).
HOWEVER, Mail is an atrocious app; far too simplistic. No offense to anyone that prefers it but I genuinely dislike it with a passion. Such a lack of options. On the other hand, Entourage has outstanding transparency with gmail via IMAP... makes me wonder why the hell outlook 2007 isn't so good in this dept, what with its inability to lose the stupid 'junk email folder' (entourage can), purge settings which don't always work the way I like (entourage does), or the ability to copy client sent to gmail sent or client draft to outlook draft (entourage does).
I like it so much now, I actually prefer it to Google Ofline (google gears). And now with SP1, it's really snappy. As a whole, Office 2008 for Mac is also HOT. iWork with all its polish, can't even begin to compare, sadly.., much like openoffice, but at least the latter is free.
But mail? puh-lease. only iLife app I think more annoying is iPhoto in its lack of features... thank god there is finally Picasa for Mac. Sometimes I wonder what kool-aid some folks must be sippin' to advocate these two bare bones iLife apps... or address book for that matter; having tried both I prefer outlook 2k8 contacts management (moreso w/ business contact manager) SO much more to work with when you know what you're doing. If only there were a native ms activesync (i.e. not 3rd party) for mac, then I'd totally be set.
If I were OP, I'd just run outlook in Crossover... mild performance hit or VM Fusion; dual boot is just too much of a PITA.
Neither: mail, calendar and address book is all you need and 100x better than those programs.
It's "iCal", not "calendar". Also, Mail is still rather awful at handling large mailboxes. It has gotten better, but it's hardly "100x better".
Need some help, using microsoft office 2008 i can send and receive mail but the mail that i send is not received. if i reply to a email the sender will receive my reply
Millions of users including this one send and receive email via Entourage 2008 everyday. You have not given a hint about what your problem can possibly be. This is a forum of Mac fans, not psychics. Give some relevant information about your email account, network, servers, etc. Do you have success using other email clients from the same location. Help us help you.
Millions of users including this one send and receive email via Entourage 2008 everyday. You have not given a hint about what your problem can possibly be. This is a forum of Mac fans, not psychics. Give some relevant information about your email account, network, servers, etc. Do you have success using other email clients from the same location. Help us help you.
i can use my mac mail that works fine, email is the set up in Entourage is correct. Im connected using Airport express that is connected to Verizon FiOS Internet
i can use my mac mail that works fine, email is the set up in Entourage is correct. Im connected using Airport express that is connected to Verizon FiOS Internet
What changed just before things went bad?