Fax set-up and scrolling problems

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I hope somebody can help me. Please bear with my computer illiteracy; I'm a moron, obviously, but I don't know where else to turn.

1. I don't know how to receive faxed items into my iMac. (I haven't tried faxing from it, since I figure if nothing can come in, nothing can go out.) Just so you know what kind it is, I bought it in December 2005 (repeat after me: looooooooser; and thank you, Mr. Jobs, for making my Mac obsolete 10 minutes after I bought it).

I know how to set up the preferences, but it seems as if you have to plug in a telephone wire from the computer to the jack. Of course, since there's no port for one, I'm guessing I'm wrong about that, too. (As you can see, I'm totally flummoxed.) The iMac is connected to a router which is connected to a modem.

2. My mouse won't scroll downward. It scrolls upward, but not down. Is there something wrong with the little trackball? (It's not wireless.)

3. Why does Apple allow only 90 lousy days before they send you away to their fake support site?

Any help would be TREMENDOUSLY appreciated. I'm happy to be able to hide behind this computer, because I can hear you all snickering now. But pathetic people like me need help, too!

Thanks very much.


  • Reply 1 of 9
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Yes, you need a phone connection, as that is what faxing uses. What do you mean, there's no port for one?

    I don't think anybody is snickering. Just maybe a bit miffed at your #3 since only Apple, not the AI posters, knows the answer to that one.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    I should add, if it turns out that you in fact don't have a modem port, you can still send a fax through one of the online fax services - you pay a few bux and upload the files, and they fax it to the number that you specify. FaxitNice.com is one of them.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    By "no port," I mean there's no place to plug a phone line directly into the computer. Now, I realize that I probably don't need one, since the computer is hooked up with my modem, but when faxes come in, they go to my fax machine, and not my computer. I should note that I also use the fax machine's phone as a landline.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    I'm still confused. Did you order the iMac without a modem? What do you mean "the router is connected to a modem?" Cable? DSL?

    Unless you ordered it without a modem (which iMac is it, please) then it has a modem jack, into which you plug the phone line. The modem jack looks exactly like a wall jack for a phone. It is the same shape as an Ethernet jack but smaller.

    If it turns out that you for some reason do not have a modem, you can receive faxes for free from FaxItNice.com.
  • Reply 5 of 9
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    Originally Posted by doofus

    1. I don't know how to receive faxed items into my iMac. (I haven't tried faxing from it, since I figure if nothing can come in, nothing can go out.) Just so you know what kind it is, I bought it in December 2005 (repeat after me: looooooooser; and thank you, Mr. Jobs, for making my Mac obsolete 10 minutes after I bought it).

    If it's an Intel Mac then they don't come with internal modems by default as Lundy said. You can buy a usb modem (not recommended) or use an online service as mentioned.

    Originally Posted by doofus

    2. My mouse won't scroll downward. It scrolls upward, but not down. Is there something wrong with the little trackball? (It's not wireless.)

    Yes, the Mighty Mouse is crap. The same thing happened to my brother's mouse and he thought I broke it. All it took was a whack, just lift it and bang it on the desk a couple of times and it seems to work. But you should look at getting a more reliable mouse until Apple get their act together in the peripheral department.

    Originally Posted by doofus

    3. Why does Apple allow only 90 lousy days before they send you away to their fake support site?

    Because support packages generally suck and you don't need 'em because you've got us and we're probably smarter than any rep you'd get on a support line.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    It's not an Intel Mac. I bought it just before they introduced them. (They were supposed to take about 7 months, and I think they were out in 2 weeks!) Yes, I'm connected to an external modem. We have Road Runner, if that means anything to anybody.

    Maybe this FaxItNice place is the way to go. I just don't understand why the Mac has faxing preferences if it doesn't allow you to send and receive.

    The Mighty Mouse was nice--for 6 months. Sometimes, I hate Apple. Unbelievable products that sometimes have problems. Like everything else, I guess.

    And yes, the people on this board are amazing. The guy I talked to at Apple was bright, I'm sure (although I could barely understand him), but it took him 15 minutes to get all my information, and then he proceeded to tell me he couldn't help me because it was over 90 days.

    Anyway, thanks much for the help. I appreciate it very much!
  • Reply 7 of 9
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    Originally Posted by doofus

    I'm connected to an external modem. We have Road Runner, if that means anything to anybody.

    Maybe this FaxItNice place is the way to go. I just don't understand why the Mac has faxing preferences if it doesn't allow you to send and receive.

    The Mac sends faxes ok, I've sent a couple of faxes before. When you say modem, you probably have a broadband modem. The cable you connect to the router for broadband is the ethernet assuming it's not a wireless router. Depending on the model of the G5 iMac, you may or may not have a modem port.

    From these pics of G5 iMacs:

    it seems some had it and some didn't. The port you need is the one shown in the left picture second from the bottom. It usually has a picture of a phone beside it. If you don't have that, you need to get either a USB dial-up modem or a fax service. There are a number to choose from:


    If you do faxing a lot, it may turn out cheaper to get a USB modem but I think the online services may be more reliable because you won't have to keep your machine plugged in to receive faxes.

    I'm surprised when people use faxes these days because I would have thought email + printer would be much more reliable and cheaper. But I guess you don't get as much spam on fax machines.
  • Reply 8 of 9
    Thanks VERY much for posting those pictures. It kinda clears things up for me. My Mac, unfortunately, is the one on the right. I'll get one of the USB devices, because my machine is on quite a bit and I receive enough faxes that I'd like to have it up and running. My fax machine is erratic at best (paper gets caught, etc.), so I want to be able to receive them on my machine and print them.

    Thanks MARVIN and LUNDY. You folks are first class for taking the time to help a boob like me.
  • Reply 9 of 9
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Hey, you're welcome.

    I noticed that FaxitNice now charges for receiving faxes. At first they were completely free to receive, and only charged for sending. Bummer.

    I was surprised too when I had to deal with a Realtor® a while back and the only delivery method she would use was fax. Something about the legality of the document being OK with fax and not with email. Needless to say it was quite a pain getting a phone call saying she was going to send a fax, then plugging in the phone and hoping nobody called, then receiving the fax, then printing it, signing it, scanning it back in and faxing it back. I still don't know what settings to set a scanner so that the resulting file of the scanned page is the same as a standard fax machine would make - mine always came out to be an order of magnitude larger file than the one that was faxed to me.
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