Please help me out with Transmission, Azureus and a torrent file!
I searched for a torrent file on Torrent Finder and selected a 4.4GB file from the list. It had seeders and leechers in excess of a hundred and it showed good health, so I started the download with Transmission. It took three days for me to download about 1.58GB. I had paused and resumed many times in these three days. Today, there was a power cut and after the the power came back, the download started and Transmission showed that only about 425MB had been downloaded and resumed downloading from that point onwards. I paused the download and checked out the size of the downloaded files on my hard drive and it showed 1.58GB. I quit Transmission and relaunched it and then started the download but it still started from that same point.
Then I quit Transmission and opened the torrent file with Azureus. It showed that about 680MB had been downloaded and started the download from there onwards. Note that both the software have been configured to download files to the same folder. So I launched both the programs and now they are downloading the same torrent simultaneously. The folder on my hard drive is the same and it is my guess that both the applications are downloading the files into that folder because Azureus did not make another folder when it started the download. At present, the size of the folder on my hard drive is 2.34GB, so it is increasing, but it is doing so at an incredibly fast rate. I mean, there is no chance that it could have progressed from 1.7GB to 2.34GB in a matter of a few hours on my connection.
So, my question is what is going on? Why did Transmission suddenly show the downloaded size to be four hundred something megabytes? And basically, will I have to re-download the whole thing? I simply cannot do that, it will take another fortnight if I start re-downloading 4.6GB! Please help me!
Thank you!
P.S. - Sorry for the long essay but I did not want to miss out on any detail.
I searched for a torrent file on Torrent Finder and selected a 4.4GB file from the list. It had seeders and leechers in excess of a hundred and it showed good health, so I started the download with Transmission. It took three days for me to download about 1.58GB. I had paused and resumed many times in these three days. Today, there was a power cut and after the the power came back, the download started and Transmission showed that only about 425MB had been downloaded and resumed downloading from that point onwards. I paused the download and checked out the size of the downloaded files on my hard drive and it showed 1.58GB. I quit Transmission and relaunched it and then started the download but it still started from that same point.
Then I quit Transmission and opened the torrent file with Azureus. It showed that about 680MB had been downloaded and started the download from there onwards. Note that both the software have been configured to download files to the same folder. So I launched both the programs and now they are downloading the same torrent simultaneously. The folder on my hard drive is the same and it is my guess that both the applications are downloading the files into that folder because Azureus did not make another folder when it started the download. At present, the size of the folder on my hard drive is 2.34GB, so it is increasing, but it is doing so at an incredibly fast rate. I mean, there is no chance that it could have progressed from 1.7GB to 2.34GB in a matter of a few hours on my connection.
So, my question is what is going on? Why did Transmission suddenly show the downloaded size to be four hundred something megabytes? And basically, will I have to re-download the whole thing? I simply cannot do that, it will take another fortnight if I start re-downloading 4.6GB! Please help me!
Thank you!

P.S. - Sorry for the long essay but I did not want to miss out on any detail.
As to the size of the folder, although you may have downloaded, say, 1500 megs of data for a torrent it's entirely possible that 900 megs of that download may have failed the hash checks leaving you with only 1/2 of the download as complete data. (It does seem like a really high failure rate, though.)
Someone else might be able to help more. I've never had this problem.
I saw the details of the torrent and selected the 'Files' tab. Then I matched the size of all the files to the already downloaded files on my computer. I selected those files in Transmission which were smaller than the actual size on my computer and set the priority to high. Then I selected all the other files (the ones' whose actual size and the size on my computer were the same) and cose the option 'Do Not Download'. Hope I didn't do anything wrong!