Invisible items. Cannot delete. Help!

in macOS edited January 2014
Hey guys. I need some help. I have been cleaning out my computer and deleting things I don't need or use. Well when I was deleting things from my downloads folder, I had some items pop up that didn't have an icon, just a name. Well when you click on it, it simply disappears! Pretty frustrated. Well I dumped the whole folder in the trash and tried to delete and got that "cannot delete file currently in use" message. Force empty trash won't work. Tried Disk Utility and the disk has an error. Tried to repair with boot disk and maintenance programs and none would correct the error! Now I have a couple invisible icons in my trash, one of them that is pretty much stuck to where I cannot rename it or move it because it does the disappearing act thing or is a folder with nothing in it. So frustrated! If anyone can shed some light on this subject and how to remedy the problem would be GREATLY appreciated!!! BTW, my computer is a Macbook Pro 2.16GHz Intel Core Duo



  • Reply 1 of 9
    This sounds very weird. Before you moved them to trash, what was the location of those files?

    On windows files like this are usually viruses or adware stuff, but OSX doesn't have viruses and stuff like this.

    They could be some system files. Usually on OSX the most common hidden files are the system ones.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by choadyjpm

    Hey guys. I need some help. I have been cleaning out my computer and deleting things I don't need or use. Well when I was deleting things from my downloads folder, I had some items pop up that didn't have an icon, just a name. Well when you click on it, it simply disappears! Pretty frustrated. Well I dumped the whole folder in the trash and tried to delete and got that "cannot delete file currently in use" message. Force empty trash won't work. Tried Disk Utility and the disk has an error. Tried to repair with boot disk and maintenance programs and none would correct the error! Now I have a couple invisible icons in my trash, one of them that is pretty much stuck to where I cannot rename it or move it because it does the disappearing act thing or is a folder with nothing in it. So frustrated! If anyone can shed some light on this subject and how to remedy the problem would be GREATLY appreciated!!! BTW, my computer is a Macbook Pro 2.16GHz Intel Core Duo


    You can try two things. First, logout and then login again. This will kill any process that could use the files and you can then try to empty the trash. If it does not work, you can still launch the and navigate to the directory where the files are. You can erase them with the rm command (rm filename). Only pay attention to the file names inserted, so that you don't accidentally delete anything useful for you with the rm command.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by Artanis

    This sounds very weird. Before you moved them to trash, what was the location of those files?

    On windows files like this are usually viruses or adware stuff, but OSX doesn't have viruses and stuff like this.

    They could be some system files. Usually on OSX the most common hidden files are the system ones.

    The fact that the files were in the downloads folder means that these are not system files (unless (s)he moved something manually therein) and/or some site (s)he visited probably tried to "infect" the machine. If so, in 99.99% of the cases the attempt would be with some windows crap.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    Thanks everyone for all the help!

    PB, yeah I logged out and started from scratch like you said, and that usually works with a lot of files that don't go away, but I still get the same problem. I'd like to do the Terminal thing, but I am really pretty amateur when it comes to using Terminal.

    I used to be a windows guy but I switched to Mac cuz I got tired of the Windows crap and I LOVE my Mac! This is the first time I've had any problem with it. Even with this one problem, I'm still 150,000 times happier with this than PC's. Here are some screenshots of the problem so you guys (and maybe gals too) know what I'm seeing....

    They are in order of the process I go to delete them directly after I restart and log in. The first pics apply to empty trash as well as secure empty trash. The crazy thing is that it wont let me rename the folder, which it shows in the last pic, but when I restart and do the process over again, it takes the name that I TRIED to name it before.

    And you're right, to me it seems like a Windows adware or virus that got on my machine and isn't able to carry out it's intentions to the fullest due to it being a Mac, but it won't go away either.
  • Reply 5 of 9
    actually I didnt post the first pic of it being "invisible" so i restarted my computer to show you that. As you can see, after the restart, it is invisible again and now has the name I tried to give it in picture 7 of the last post. And when it's invisible, if you click or highlight it, it disappears totally and the trash can says its empty, until you delete something else, in which case you get the same errors and (filename) is currently in use message again and it pops up again. Ugh...
  • Reply 6 of 9
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    A good guide for learning terminal-type stuff can be found here.

    It won't help you in this situation though. You've already found the problem: your HDD formatting is screwed. Error -36 means that the file can't be found. You have to rectify the problem ASAP. I know it's a pain, but here's what you have to do:

    1.) Backup!

    2.) Everything!

    3.) Backup

    4.) Boot from the install discs that came with your Mac

    5.) Don't run the installer, invoke Disk Utility from the menu.

    6.) Try to repair the disk.

    7.) If the disk isn't repairable, you'll have to re-format it. I'd suggest running a "zero-all-data" format (press the "security options?" button in the "erase" tab) to ensure any bad block on the HDD are avoided. This takes a while, since as the name suggests, zeros are written across the whole disk.

    8.) Once re-formatted, install OS X and restore everything from backup.
  • Reply 7 of 9
    Thanks Mr. H! The terminal stuff should be helpful just for knowing how to pinpoint stuff in the future and things like that. I was thinking about reinstalling at some point cuz i do have an External hard drive so backing up stuff is no biggie. I'm gonna try a few more things to fix it and I'll let you know if anything worked and how I fixed it if I can....
  • Reply 8 of 9
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Trust me, continuing to use your computer when the formatting is hosed is a bad idea. You could lose important data at pretty much any time without any warning.
  • Reply 9 of 9
    Yeah I think you're right about that. I'm just gonna give Disk Warrior a try and see if that will help, kinda my last ditch effort. If it fails too then im gonna backup and do a reinstall. What a pain this is! Thanks, Mr. H and others!!!
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