Battery Benchmark Tests

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I did a search on this topic, and didn't find anything, so apologies if I'm repeating something.

I have a CoreDuo Macbook (black) that I've had for about 2.5 months now. I first bought one and exchanged it for another one within the first week due to speaker issues. After getting the replacement, I couldn't help but feel like the battery life was weaker than the original one. I don't have any objective data to validate if this is the case, and it isn't like a blatant failure to charge or anything like that, I just feel like I can barely squeeze out 3 hours w/ this one and I'm pretty sure I got more with the first one. (btw - this is just running basic stuff like web surfing or using pages). I've read articles that state it could last up to six hours! No way mines lasting that long, even w/ nothing running.

Also, if use it for a while, charge it up totally, then close it up, and put it to sleep, having disconnected that charger, when I come back in a couple days to use it, the battery is totally dead! Is that normal? not to sound like an idiot, but when I went to one of those classes to new switchers at the Soho store in NYC, the guy told us that w/ a fully charged battery, you should be able to keep your laptop for about 2 weeks before it dies since it uses such minimal battery. Mine lasts a couple days.

So does anyone have any ideas if this is normal or is my battery a little weak? Does anyone know of any quantitative measures, I can use, like any standard benchmark tests to run to see if my battery is normal? I just don't want to waste time troubleshooting at the genius bar if this is just indeed noraml and I'm expecting too much from my laptops's battery life. Thanks everyone...
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