Watch out for locking up your system with Apple DVD player

in macOS edited January 2014
I am finding if your system timers for sleep trigger on a MacBook while you are watching a dvd movie and when it's over you press 'stop' on the player, you get an infinite beachball that never goes away, and you cannot do anything, not even force quit. Keyboard restart works though.

Of course this gave minor corruption to the volume header which was fixed with the disk utility. Interestingly, there is no dialog that pops up to warn you, I had to run the disk utility because I wanted to check.

So don't let your system sleep while using the dvd player, it won't be able to recover from a stop button press!

This has happened on 10.4.6-10.4.8

I am not 100% sure yet if this is related to hard drive sleep, or 'system' or 'display' sleep in the energy saver preferences. I suppose I can only find out by setting them one by one to not sleep. I think it might be hard drive though, because in the past when watching while downloading, it didn't lock up the computer after it was all over.
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