iChat Video Problems

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hello everyone -

Two new MacBooks in our family. We are able to video chat with no problems in our own living room. However, when college daughter took hers back to school (broadband connection with Linksys router in her apartment), we both get the message that the other hasn't responded (error 6) when we try to video chat. I can video chat with other friends from my house, so I think the problem is hers.

We downloaded a white paper from Apple and opened a few ports, but the problem persists. Any ideas? Help! I really want to see her face sometimes when she's away at school!!!



  • Reply 1 of 6
    Sorry if i''m not supposed to link, but check the apple site


    You may also want to get the latest firmware updates for her linksys router. She can try removing the router and trying straight through the modem, see if the culprit is the router.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    Originally Posted by manyourisms

    Sorry if i''m not supposed to link, but check the apple site


    You may also want to get the latest firmware updates for her linksys router. She can try removing the router and trying straight through the modem, see if the culprit is the router.

    Thanks for the link. That is the first resource we use, and nothing helped. Connecting by bypassing the router is a great idea - we'll try that next. Thank you!
  • Reply 3 of 6
    Originally Posted by Allison

    Thanks for the link. That is the first resource we use, and nothing helped. Connecting by bypassing the router is a great idea - we'll try that next. Thank you!

    OK all you smart people out there. She plugged her Mac straight into the wall, bypassing the router, and the iVideo STILL wouldn't work. We got error 7 and 8.

    What now?
  • Reply 4 of 6
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Could be that her campus is blocking the ports needed... which would suck, but not be unheard of. There are ways around that, but I'm not the best provider of advice on that issue... :/

    And you *did* make sure that both your computer and hers have the firewall set to allow those iChat Video signals through, right?
  • Reply 5 of 6
    Originally Posted by Kickaha

    Could be that her campus is blocking the ports needed... which would suck, but not be unheard of. There are ways around that, but I'm not the best provider of advice on that issue... :/

    And you *did* make sure that both your computer and hers have the firewall set to allow those iChat Video signals through, right?

    Yep - all ports are open for iChat Video signals. She lives in an apartment complex that offers internet as an included utility (we should all be so fortunate). I guess the firewall situation is in the service they offer.

    Thanks for your help. I'll let you know if anything resolves!
  • Reply 6 of 6
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Try using Skype if only to see if the issue is limited to ichat:

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