iMac LCD... more rumors

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Your Daily is claiming to have seen photos, but is still hazey on the specs... if new pictures are going around, hopefully some might find this thread.

[quote] (11/25/01) Breaking news about the new iMacs

<a href=""; target="_blank"></a>

Sources close to YDM have confirmed that Apple is planning the roll-out of

the much anticipated LCD iMac. The recent update to OS X version 10.1.1 was partly to facilitate new technologies being utilized in the iMac, as Apple had hoped to have the new machine on the shelves for Christmas. Unfortunately, supply problems with the Taiwan manufacture has stalled this plan, and it is now more likely the iMac will be unveiled at Mac World SF in Jan. The LCD iMac which has been slated with the title "Pro iMac", will be the as the name suggests the pro unit in the iMac range. The form factor for the rest of the range of iMacs will retain the bubble shape for now until the price of LCD's come down, in which Apple will switch to all iMacs to LCD units.

YDM has been fortunate enough to acquire actual photos of the new units,

which due to legal reasons we have been advised to withhold from publishing on our site, but we can tell you that the units are a cross between the gorgeous cube, and the current cinema displays. The pro unit will come out in only two colors, snow, and graphite, although when the rest of the range switches to LCD's, new and daring color schemes will be added to the range. Remember the Flower Power, and Blue Dalmatian iMac, well we wont be seeing those, but don't be surprised to see variants with much more impact, so expect the unexpected.

Specifications are a bit hard to confirm as Apple is still in the process finalizing the final specs for the machine but we have been told that being the "pro" unit, the iMac will come equipped with everything. 15" wide screen as used in the G4 ti-book CD-RW, DVD (Superdrive is being rumored), 256meg ram as standard, 30gig HD, and possibly powered by a G4 600 chip (if Superdrive is used). If not the G4 then

definitely the new G3 1GHz chip. Stay tuned as over the next few days more info should be coming to hand, and we will have a much clearer idea as to what are actual facts, and what is just merely speculation. Our sources are very reliable, but as always we can only tell you what we have been told, and shown.



  • Reply 1 of 41
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    Very very interesting. When they said that they wouldnt post the picture becuase of legal concerns I raised and eyebrow. But everything else seem to be about right.
  • Reply 2 of 41
    [quote]Originally posted by pathogen:

    <strong>Your Daily is claiming to have seen photos, but is still hazey on the specs... if new pictures are going around, hopefully some might find this thread.</strong><hr></blockquote>



  • Reply 3 of 41
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Definately was interesting to read. Let's just hope it's true.
  • Reply 4 of 41
    Nothing specific. Anybody could predict what they said. A cross between a cube and a cinema display could be ANYTHING.

    The only thing of interest is that Apple will introduce the new iMac as a high-end model. This is a mistake, IMO. The iMac has always been aimed squarely at the consumer market, the low end of Apple's lineup. To introduce the new iMac as a high-end consumer machine is only asking for trouble. This also suggests that it will be overpriced, and thus will not sell well. It might be another cube.

    The current iMac is already overpriced. Compare a DVSE at $1500 to a Wintel at $1000, and the results are staggering. The Wintel has a 17" display, and far more features than the iMac. Apple should be addressing this gap. If they introduce a high-end LCD iMac and leave the low-end of the iMac lineup as-is, then they have addressed nothing. The iMac will only be more overpriced and it will not compete with wintels.

    A 15" LCD is ok, but Apple should be offering a 17" LCD for the high end iMac. For $1500, a Wintel could be had with 17" LCD and all the options of the iMac. Is Apple serious about competing, or are they going to introduce another cube?

    It seems lately that everything Apple sells is overpriced and underfeatured. This must change.
  • Reply 5 of 41
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    mmm, then why was the iMac the top selling pc of all time? I don't think the iMac is over-priced. Also, why would Apple release all LCD iMacs ranging from possibly $1500 and up? That would be stupid and over priced and sure to fall the way of the cube except for the same type of people who bought the cube. Releasing it at the high end until LCD prices fall is a smart move IMO. Leaving the bottom of the iMac line alone is strictly an education market move. I also think this type of move will allow Apple to lower the prices of the CRT iMacs, if they so choose.

    Start small, work your way into it. Kinda like the rumored migration to the G5.
  • Reply 6 of 41
    But LCD prices already have fallen. And the current iMac is NOT selling well.
  • Reply 7 of 41
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>mmm, then why was the iMac the top selling pc of all time? I don't think the iMac is over-priced.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    When the iMac first came out I don't think it was overpriced. I guess starting at MWNY 2000 or maybe even before that the specs weren't worth the price and now they surely aren't.
  • Reply 8 of 41
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]The only thing of interest is that Apple will introduce the new iMac as a high-end model. This is a mistake, IMO. The iMac has always been aimed squarely at the consumer market, the low end of Apple's lineup. To introduce the new iMac as a high-end consumer machine is only asking for trouble. This also suggests that it will be overpriced, and thus will not sell well. It might be another cube. <hr></blockquote>

    nothing wrong with that as long as they price it at $1299. no one is expecting the new flat screen iMac to be sub 1000. $1299 works as long as it lives up to the price.

    leave a single CRT model for 799 or 899


    A 15" LCD is ok, but Apple should be offering a 17" LCD for the high end iMac. For $1500, a Wintel could be had with 17" LCD and all the options of the iMac. Is Apple serious about competing, or are they going to introduce another cube? <hr></blockquote>

    no they shouldn't. You don't want Apple to become known for crappy quality systems do you? a 17 inch LCD in a 1499 iMac simply is going to either sacrifice computer features or LCD quality. neither is desirable. 15 inch LCD or a 17 inch CRT.

    [quote]mmm, then why was the iMac the top selling pc of all time?<hr></blockquote>

    1.) when it was first introduced it truly was a great price/performance machine. it had the same processor as their powermac systems, a good feature set, everything out of the box and was new and exciting.

    2.) iMac sales suck now because Apple seems to have fogotten what made the imac such a success in the first place... see above.

    [quote]I don't think the iMac is over-priced.<hr></blockquote>

    the iMac is horribly overpriced.
  • Reply 9 of 41
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    [quote]The recent update to OS X version 10.1.1 was partly to facilitate new technologies being utilized in the iMac, as Apple had hoped to have the new machine on the shelves for Christmas. <hr></blockquote>This part doesn't quite make sense. Since when do they release hardware-support OS updates before the hardware is released?
  • Reply 10 of 41
    None of it makes sense. The second paragraph smells especially bad.

  • Reply 11 of 41
    The key is to build in an ADC port, so that customers can choose the display size they want, from the get-go, OR upgrade later to a larger display.

    The "headless iMac" if you will.

    If Apple comes out with another form factor with a non-upgradable display, they are phukked. It will flop. It is NOT 1998 any more!!!
  • Reply 12 of 41
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    It's a hit-grabber, that's it. I mean, I could write that damn story!

    "Honestly, we have these great photos, but we can't show you. But, like, we honestly have them!"

    Bullsh!t, if they had them they'd put them up. Just be quick on pulling them with Apple sicks the wolves on you, that's all.
  • Reply 13 of 41
    thttht Posts: 5,608member
    <strong>Originally posted by pathogen:

    The recent update to OS X version 10.1.1 was partly to facilitate new technologies being utilized in the iMac,</strong>

    As said before, this doesn't make sense. With Mac OS 10, what's needed to support new hardware are drivers. 10.1.1 is a bug fix.

    <strong>The LCD iMac which has been slated with the title "Pro iMac", will be the as the name suggests the pro unit in the iMac range.</strong>

    "Pro iMac" is an oxymoron.

    <strong>15" wide screen as used in the G4 ti-book CD-RW, DVD (Superdrive is being rumored), 256meg ram as standard, 30gig HD, and possibly powered by a G4 600 chip (if Superdrive is used).</strong>

    This is reasonable. Except for the 256 MByte standard maybe.

    <strong>If not the G4 then definitely the new G3 1GHz chip.</strong>

    We won't see a GHz G3 until 2H 02. Not because of marketing, but because the chips won't exist in shippable quantities until then.

    Looks to me like a toned down MOSR article.
  • Reply 14 of 41
    [quote] nothing wrong with that as long as they price it at $1299. no one is expecting the new flat screen iMac to be sub 1000. $1299 works as long as it lives up to the price. <hr></blockquote>

    That would be a good price, as long as it was fully speced out with CDRW drive and a good GPU.

    I fear that the LCD iMac will be priced more like 1500-1800 and we will see a repeat of the cube. But if Apple can stick to 1000-1300 then it's a good sign. I doubt they will get the price so low.
  • Reply 15 of 41
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:


    That would be a good price, as long as it was fully speced out with CDRW drive and a good GPU.

    I fear that the LCD iMac will be priced more like 1500-1800 and we will see a repeat of the cube. But if Apple can stick to 1000-1300 then it's a good sign. I doubt they will get the price so low.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I don't know about that. I have a good feeling about the LCD iMac (which I would loveingly call the iMac^2 or iMac Squared). I think that if Apple was to pull that off at the 1299 - 1499 number, they would have a serious hit on their hands. Not only that, even if their margin was only 20% vs the 25% (and yes, that is a guess on those numbers) they would more than make it up in sheer numbers. Not to mention the fact that they would (once again) have the PC industry scrambling to play catch-up.
  • Reply 16 of 41
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    The current iMac is already overpriced. Compare a DVSE at $1500 to a Wintel at $1000, and the results are staggering. The Wintel has a 17" display, and far more features than the iMac. Apple should be addressing this gap. If they introduce a high-end LCD iMac and leave the low-end of the iMac lineup as-is, then they have addressed nothing. The iMac will only be more overpriced and it will not compete with wintels.


    i think the worst thing they could do is kill the CRT iMac...... i would like to see something like a flat panel imac out there (though i liked the cube too), but LCD displays are just not tough enough (or cheap enough) for many school enviroments. Apple is not in the position to risk losing more sales to schools. giving individual students laptops is one thing, having flat panel imacs in clusters running all day with millions of kids screwing with them sounds like a nightmare.

    the iMac line could use something to refresh it, but i think the basic unit is still as valid as it was day 1. people new to computers are drawn to it, and old timers still buy them for their clean design.

    anyway, while i would bet my G4 there is something LIKE a flat panel imac or cube2 coming, i dont know if it will really replace the current iMac case. calling it a "pro-iMac" makes it sounds like another try at the cube project. hopefully this one can be at a better price range for the target users.
  • Reply 17 of 41
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote] i dont know if it will really replace the current iMac case. calling it a "pro-iMac" makes it sounds like another try at the cube project. hopefully this one can be at a better price range for the target users. <hr></blockquote>

    That's what I was thinking. Rumor for a while was that the LCD iMac would replace the iMac and cube. So that's why the "Pro-iMac" because it's a gapper between the lowend iMacs and the towers. Hopefully priced better than the Cube tho.
  • Reply 18 of 41
    That's a good point about the edu market. CRTs are the way to go for schools. But if Apple is going to keep the CRTs, then they need a 17" iMac. CRT technology is much farther along than when the iMac came out--I bet a short-neck 17" CRT iMac would be about the same size as the current one, except for the display area of course. This would be a hit for sure, it's what everyone's been urging Apple to do for at least 2 years. 15" CRTs just don't cut it anymore, it's too small and cramped, and especially with OS X. OS X needs high resolution and lots of screen real-estate.
  • Reply 19 of 41
    Well this IS encouraging! I'm looking for a nice little machine for light Web developent and Internet Access. It's gotta be small and compact (my Forest Hill apartment is really really tiny) but I need more than 1024x768. Using the LCD screen from the PB is great, but lets hope they uped the resolution a tad bit, the iBook density is perfect. I don't really need a laptop, so a PB based iMac would be just right!
  • Reply 20 of 41
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>15" CRTs just don't cut it anymore, it's too small and cramped, and especially with OS X. OS X needs high resolution and lots of screen real-estate.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    J.D.: It's good to see you engage in serious discussion. Keep up the good work!

    I agree that Apple needs to keep around a CRT iMac, at least at the low end. However, I don't think that 15" CRTs don't cut it anymore. It is simply that crappy 15" CRTs don't cut it anymore.

    The screen in the iMac is the one feature that hasn't changed at all since 1998. In my opinion, a 15" flat CRT that can do 1024x768 at 95+Hz would be perfect and significantly more cost effective than an LCD iMac.

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