ibook to mb2c transfer hangs

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
mb just arrived trying to transfer from my old ibook g4 .9 10.4 to new macbook

follow the instructions(both are plugged in) and at "1hr 5 min left" hangs the firewire logo on the ibook stops moving. i've "tried again" 3 times. i did all the software upgrades, did a "repair permissions" rebooted then turned off the ibook and tried again....same thing

help this is a present for my wife and trying to get all this done before she comes home tonight (everything is on my kitchen table....a bit obvious)



  • Reply 1 of 4
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,431moderator
    I always just do it manually. Go through all the folders and copy what you need across to the same place on the new machine.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    I always just do it manually. Go through all the folders and copy what you need across to the same place on the new machine.

    great...did as you said but itunes wouldn't come across had to do it from my backup ( another reason to have backups mine is the iomega blackhdIII and use superduper).......iphoto was a challenge as i didn't want to use iphoto 6 iphoto 5 still has homepage which i prefer till i learn iweb

    then for itunes i burned a backup of my wifes purchased music (very quick and easy) then reloaded them

    so now iphoto library can be seen with my user log in but not my wifes.....

    it's amazing how much is already on the macbook hd, thinking i should have customized to 200gb

    itunes you can make a backup folder and "move" it but you need the hd space to do it. i tried that but not enough space on my wifes ibook to make that path work.

    i hope these hd are easy to replace. i have about 40gb left on each. too bad someone doesn't give a list of thngs to dump off the hd to clean it out.

    all the above took me two days

    i'm taking a rest

    my wife loves her ibook

    thanks for your response
  • Reply 3 of 4
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,431moderator
    Originally Posted by NOFEER

    great...did as you said but itunes wouldn't come across had to do it from my backup

    That's a bit odd. Maybe there something corrupt in the folder or something. This may have been why the migration assistant failed. It's good to hear you kept a backup.

    Originally Posted by NOFEER

    now iphoto library can be seen with my user log in but not my wifes.....

    itunes you can make a backup folder and "move" it but you need the hd space to do it. i tried that but not enough space on my wifes ibook to make that path work.

    i hope these hd are easy to replace.

    If you want her to get the photos/music from your account, you need to move the iphoto/itunes library from your home folder to hers. When you are logged in as one account, the other home folder is inaccessible so you need to move these folders to somewhere that is accessible - you can just make a new folder at the root of the drive and move them there.

    Then switch over to her account.

    Because her account is different from yours, you will also need to change permissions on the files. This can be done two ways. If you select the new folder you have made that should contain the stuff you want to move from the old home folder and do a get info, there is a permissions section. Change the owner to the new user and click the button that says to apply it to enclosed files/folders.

    You can do it via the command line too. I prefer that method. You basically type sudo chmod -R <shortname> <drag folder here>. The shortname is the abbreviated name of the new account that you find in the system prefs>account panel. You drag the folder you made into the terminal window after you type the shortname then hit return.

    Then move these folders to your wife's home folder. This prevents requiring a duplicate of all the stuff so you won't need another drive. Incidentally, if you feel you need more space, it is a good idea to get an external drive. Lacie make really good ones and they are pretty good value.

    Originally Posted by NOFEER

    it's amazing how much is already on the macbook hd, thinking i should have customized to 200gb

    This annoys a lot of people because the default OS X install is about 15GB+. If you use an app like Whatsize ( http://www.id-design.com/software/whatsize/index.php ), you can see where the most space is being used. Garageband takes up about 3GB and the themes in iDVD etc take up quite a lot. There's no real list of things you can delete because it depends on what you use. The OS X system takes up about 1.5GB and the actual drive space of a hard drive is less than advertised. A 60GB drive is really 55GB. A default install should leave you with 40GB free.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    kfdankfdan Posts: 81member
    Well, I've got an old G3 desktop running a G4 processor and my new C2D says it can't connect to it via a firewire setl-up to transfer files. Anyone have any suggestions?
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