HELP! 02 imac 600 cd-rw problems!

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hello. First of all, I'm not a real computer literate guy - very basic skill level here with a mac. In 02, I purchased an imac 600, loaded it with ProTools - and have used it only to write and record music, and then burn demos for the band - also have burned some audio cd's for work.

then...about a year or so ago, the imac stopped burning cds consistently -sending up error messages (#7932). Now it won't burn anything at all - and sometimes won't even read a cd that's put into it. Just last night I tried to put the "apple hardware test" cd in that came with the imac - and it won't even open that.

I really like the machine - I know it's only worth about 69 cents these days, but it is good enough for my needs.

How the hell can I get this thing working again?????????

Any insight would be appreciated.



  • Reply 1 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,394moderator
    If it has firewire, buy an external burner. It's not worth the hassle repairing the iMac yourself. If it doen't have firewire, you should take it to a technician because when you open the machine, you have access to the CRT, which can kill you.

    It is possible to get a USB1 burner because I used to have one but I think they are limited to about 4x burning.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    If it has firewire, buy an external burner. It's not worth the hassle repairing the iMac yourself. If it doen't have firewire, you should take it to a technician because when you open the machine, you have access to the CRT, which can kill you.

    It is possible to get a USB1 burner because I used to have one but I think they are limited to about 4x burning.

    Thanks for the info! I believe I was supplied with a 6 pin firewire cable - how do i know if the machine has firewire. is there a specific type or brand of external burner you can recommend? Is it difficult to set up?

    Again thanks. I know my questions are really basic - I appreciate the help!
  • Reply 3 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,394moderator
    Originally Posted by billyjones

    Thanks for the info! I believe I was supplied with a 6 pin firewire cable - how do i know if the machine has firewire. is there a specific type or brand of external burner you can recommend? Is it difficult to set up?

    To tell if you have firewire, you can go to the apple menu > about this mac and choose more info. This opens the system profiler. There should be a tab on the left with firewire in the list. Click it and if it says no information found, you don't have firewire. Otherwise, it will say firewire bus and the speed of it. You can see a picture of one here:

    I think your iMac should have two of them.

    I recommend Lacie's products:

    If those are too expensive and you only really need a CDRW, check out Amazon or some other reseller.

    To setup, you just plug in the power and the firewire cable. If you prefer to keep the clutter down, you can get mobile firewire drives that only require you to plug in the firewire cable.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    To tell if you have firewire, you can go to the apple menu > about this mac and choose more info. This opens the system profiler. There should be a tab on the left with firewire in the list. Click it and if it says no information found, you don't have firewire. Otherwise, it will say firewire bus and the speed of it. You can see a picture of one here:

    I think your iMac should have two of them.

    I recommend Lacie's products:

    If those are too expensive and you only really need a CDRW, check out Amazon or some other reseller.

    To setup, you just plug in the power and the firewire cable. If you prefer to keep the clutter down, you can get mobile firewire drives that only require you to plug in the firewire cable.

    thanks. it does have 2 firewire inputs on the side of the computer, but when i clicked on firewire under about this computer - it says "no devices found on this bus." does that mean I have firewire, but that it is currenly not connected to anything?

    thanks again.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by billyjones

    thanks. it does have 2 firewire inputs on the side of the computer, but when i clicked on firewire under about this computer - it says "no devices found on this bus." does that mean I have firewire, but that it is currenly not connected to anything?

    thanks again.

    Yes. You may have trouble finding "just" an external CD writer these days-- everything is pretty much DVD/CD. If you get one of those and want to take advantage of the DVD burning functionality you may have to do some firmware mojo. At the very least make sure the OS is fairly up to date.
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