g4 quicksilver won't power up

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

I have a G4 Quicksilver that won't boot. The power button will light when pressed, but there is no display and the light quickly fades when released. This seems consistent with the need to reset PRAM http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=2238 but I've not had any luck with this. I'm holding the power button along with CMD,OPT, P & R.

The area of the computer recently became very dusty as we had a furnace issue. I believe the apple was on during this time and sucked in some dust. I've opened it up and cleaned it out thru canned air.

Any ideas on possible solutions would be appreciated.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,438moderator
    Try resetting the PSU/PMU but check the PRAM battery. To reset the PMU, unplug the machine, ground yourself to the case, look for the PRAM battery and look for a small button near it. Press this button once.

    There could be more trouble but try those things first:

  • Reply 2 of 5
    Careful with that button! Just press and hold it for one second. Not more!
  • Reply 3 of 5
    Hi all,

    Here is an update in case this helps anyone identify the problem.

    i pressed - The Button - it gave me power - i.e. the light stayed lit and and the fans started. it booted to a grey screen with a folder/question mark. I then started looking up what this would mean, but the g4 then powered down. It seemed to power up for less time every time I turned it on.

    I replaced the 3.6 V battery. It wasn't suggested in this thread, but I saw an article about this somewhere in my googling, and it seemed the cheapest way to start. It again booted to a grey screen. I celebrated that the problem was fixed, but now that it has been a day, when I press the start button it doesn't power up. - No fans, no light. It is like the orignal post - the light glows while I'm pressing and immediatley fades when released.

    Any idea what I can try next, or should I give up and take it for repair?

    thanks for your help!
  • Reply 4 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,438moderator
    Yeah take it for a repair. It may need a new power supply.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    Maybe the Power supply is wonky or has died these can still be replaced not sure of cost. They would also reset the logic board and test if replaced.
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