A few software questions....about iChat, and OS9/OSX

in Mac Software edited January 2014
1) Is there an iChat type program that I can use for combining all my chat type programs (ie MSN, Yahoo, AIM) that can be used in 10.2.1?

2) How can I switch from OSX too OS9, without having to startup an OS9 program.

3) Is there a need to upgrade OS9? It currently is at 9.2.2, or somewhere around there.

4) How do I start the software upgrade program in OS9 that searches for programs that need to be upgraded?

Thanks in advance



  • Reply 1 of 2
    [quote]Originally posted by Dallenb:

    1) Is there an iChat type program that I can use for combining all my chat type programs (ie MSN, Yahoo, AIM) that can be used in 10.2.1?<hr></blockquote>Yes, Proteus and Fire.

    HOWEVER, neither of them have file-transfer, buddy icons, away-message viewing, or direct-connect sessions and neither of them will be able to chat with Mac.com members. Only iChat and the official AIM (and I think "Trillian" for Windows) have these features. That last caveat is the one bit that really irks me away from using 3rd party software because I am a Mac.com member and at least a fourth or a third of the people in my buddy list are Mac.com members. That means I wouldn't be able to even log in via Proteus or Fire! Even if I could, I wouldn't be able to see or chat with a lot of my buddies.

    [quote]2) How can I switch from OSX too OS9, without having to startup an OS9 program.<hr></blockquote>I'm not sure what you mean here. You switch to OS9 by using the Startup Disk pane in OSX's System Preferences. If your systems are on different partitions, you can hold the option key at boot time to get a list of drives to choose from for booting. If the OSX and OS9 systems are on the same partition, using the option key won't help.

    If you mean to ask how to start up the Classic environment from within Mac OS X, you can do that from the Classic pane in the System Preferences.

    [quote]3) Is there a need to upgrade OS9? It currently is at 9.2.2, or somewhere around there.<hr></blockquote>You need to have the latest version of OS9 if you want to use Classic from within Mac OS X.

    [quote]4) How do I start the software upgrade program in OS9 that searches for programs that need to be upgraded? <hr></blockquote>Again, I'm not sure what you mean. Apple's Software Update control panel does not update anything other than the system software.

    [ 09-20-2002: Message edited by: Brad ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 2

    Yes, Proteus and Fire.

    HOWEVER, neither of them have file-transfer, buddy icons, away-message viewing, or direct-connect sessions and neither of them will be able to chat with Mac.com members. Only iChat and the official AIM (and I think "Trillian" for Windows) have these features. That last caveat is the one bit that really irks me away from using 3rd party software because I am a Mac.com member and at least a fourth or a third of the people in my buddy list are Mac.com members. That means I wouldn't be able to even log in via Proteus or Fire! Even if I could, I wouldn't be able to see or chat with a lot of my buddies.</strong>

    Thanks....i'll check those out. While you touched on .Mac, do you think its worth it? It seems alot of money, for what it offers.


    I'm not sure what you mean here. You switch to OS9 by using the Startup Disk pane in OSX's System Preferences. If your systems are on different partitions, you can hold the option key at boot time to get a list of drives to choose from for booting. If the OSX and OS9 systems are on the same partition, using the option key won't help.

    If you mean to ask how to start up the Classic environment from within Mac OS X, you can do that from the Classic pane in the System Preferences.</strong>

    I guess I pictured the switch between OS X and OS9 worked like a dual boot system. Where you could arbitrarily switch between systems without having to run a program that only runs in its own respective operating system. I guess it doesnt


    You need to have the latest version of OS9 if you want to use it from within Mac OS X.


    Ok, I guess I will look to see what is the latest version of OS9


    Again, I'm not sure what you mean. Apple's Software Update control panel does not update anything other than the system software.</strong>

    And system software includes the OS. In fact, the update control panel prompted me I needed to upgrade too 10.2.1. I was wondering if the same control panel will prompt me to upgrade any of the OS9 programs, including the OS. If it does, where would I find it, or does it only work in OS X?
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