Media frenzy?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I'm thrilled to see an article in today's South China Morning Post (Hong Kong's English language newspaper) which not only discusses today's MWSF keynote address, Apple's advance hype, the iWalk scam, the G5 and flat panel iMac rumors, Apple's pressure to deliver under the frustration of worldwide fans, but also closes with a quoation taken from these forums!

Congratulations, rjl2 for being quoted from <a href=""; target="_blank">this</a> thread. SCMP has one of the largest circulation numbers of any newspaper in the world. Unfortunately although they mentioned the quote came from "one user on <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>", they didn't report your handle and they might have done better by choosing a quote from one of the regulars, like Fran or Applenut who have certainly made many equally quotable remarks.

Anyway, you can read the full story <a href=""; target="_blank">here</a>.



[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: tonton ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 1
    glurxglurx Posts: 1,031member
    [quote] One user on <a href=""; target="_blank"></a> wrote: "Like everyone else, I'm nervous and excited about what the new product [will be] that is going to blow me away. I've seen the iWalk and, while I wasn't blown away, I did feel a breeze."

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