Best Upgrades For iMac G3 SE Graphite 600 Mhz??

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hello I just purchased an iMac G3 Graphite because I have never owned a Mac and I wanted to ease into the process. By the time I graduate in 2 years I hope to be an official Mac lover and own a much more recent and powerful system. But for now I was just wondering what I could to do to make my G3 the best it could be?

Here are the complete specs:

Apple iMac G3 SE Graphite

600 Mhz

384 MB RAM

40 GB HD

Slot-Loading DVD-Rom


Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.8

(Please let me know if any other specs are needed)

I was planning on upgrading the RAM to 1 GB and also purchasing some kind of 7200 rpm HD to speed up the machine. Is there anything else that would make this Mac more powerful or more enjoyable? I heard you can upgrade the processors on these things, but I have no clue which ones would work with it and how high the cost would be.

Any thoughts or comments are much appreciated!


  • Reply 1 of 10
    bentonbenton Posts: 161member
    1. processor not upgradeable

    2. max out ram -

    3. buy external hard drive for backup

    4. consider a large as affordable lcd can mirror crt

    Best Wishes
  • Reply 2 of 10
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    If you are using this iMac as basically testing ground to see if you like Macs, I wouldn't pour too much money into it right now. Maybe a single upgrade (I would do RAM), but put the rest of the cash you had set aside into your future possible purchase of a more powerful iMac/MacBook/whatever. With just a RAM upgrade you should be able to survive for 2 years.
  • Reply 3 of 10
    Thank you for your help.

    I found a good deal on ebay that ends shortly and I just wanted to double-check that these sticks would work in my iMac:

    Check This Out!
  • Reply 4 of 10
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    Seems like an okay deal. Best of luck that you end up getting 'em!
  • Reply 5 of 10
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    We maxed out the ram in our G3 400 DVSE iMac and put a 7200 hard drive in it after the original broke. Made a huge difference.

    Congrats on going Mac. Take advantage of these forums. You will find them friendly and helpful.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    That's why I love Macs. You can use a relatively old system and still enjoy the Mac "experience". Great stuff.
  • Reply 7 of 10
    Thank you all for your help!

    Are there any suggestions for which 7200 HD is the best for my system? I do not plan to store very much on this computer so I probably would only go for one around 80 GB. What company makes the best HD's and what site could I find them at the best price?

    Thanks again for the speedy replies!
  • Reply 8 of 10
    is OWC the best place to get RAM for this machine or can I get it cheaper somewhere else?
  • Reply 9 of 10
    if you don't have to, don't spend anything, go online with whatever you'd spend and spend that money on a used mac or imac. you can probably get a g4 flatpanel for a few hundred that would blow away that g3.
  • Reply 10 of 10
    I just got this G3 because I wanted to ease myself into using Mac's I got a good deal on it, and the machine is running great. I'd rather spend $100 on some RAM for this then spend a few hundred on a G4
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