Pat Robertson is talking to God (or hearing voices)

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
God has told dear old Pat that the US will suffer a major attack in 2007, so I guess it is time for all you gives living in the States to pack up and go somewhere else in order to save yourselves.

Is this guy hearing voices? Is he teamed up with Bush? Are they planning another attack on America to drive us into another deluded war? Which country will be so conveniently connected to it all this time?


  • Reply 1 of 15
    ronaldoronaldo Posts: 439member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    God has told dear old Pat that the US will suffer a major attack in 2007, so I guess it is time for all you gives living in the States to pack up and go somewhere else in order to save yourselves.

    Is this guy hearing voices? Is he teamed up with Bush? Are they planning another attack on America to drive us into another deluded war? Which country will be so conveniently connected to it all this time?

    Pat Robertson is an idiot.
  • Reply 2 of 15
    @_@ artman@_@ artman Posts: 5,231member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Is this guy hearing voices? Is he teamed up with Bush? Are they planning another attack on America to drive us into another deluded war? Which country will be so conveniently connected to it all this time?

    Interesting. I'd think Bush and Robertson have their partnership in fear. I remember when Robertson ran for president and GWB helped Daddy reclaim the Bible Belt for him. So there could still be animosity. Another attack is inevitable, but the terrorists have their own schedule and agenda. Al Qaeda most likely will be the culprit.

    Same fear mongering machines at work.
  • Reply 3 of 15
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Well it will really suck if someone does attack the US this year because then Pat will be seen as a


    b. Psycho


  • Reply 4 of 15
    Psycho Psychic or a Psychic Psycho?
  • Reply 5 of 15
    Pat Robertson needs the silly slapped off his face.
  • Reply 6 of 15
    @_@ artman@_@ artman Posts: 5,231member
  • Reply 7 of 15
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Man, that's annoying... like Pat.
  • Reply 8 of 15
    For all the attacks on the man….I’m left wondering how many of you have actually taken the time to watch him? I used to on occasion before I gave up TV a few years ago. He is not all that bad most of the time – makes some very good points on occasion. Granted he says some odd things once in a while – but I’ve heard worse.

    At least he did not claim to invent the internet or something equally nutty.
  • Reply 9 of 15
    Originally Posted by Bacillus View Post

    For all the attacks on the man….I’m left wondering how many of you have actually taken the time to watch him? I used to on occasion before I gave up TV a few years ago. He is not all that bad most of the time – makes some very good points on occasion. Granted he says some odd things once in a while – but I’ve heard worse.

    At least he did not claim to invent the internet or something equally nutty.

    I have and the man is an idiotic self-serving blow hole...
  • Reply 10 of 15
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Psycho Psychic or a Psychic Psycho?

    One or the other, wouldn't know because I usually stay away from stuff like this. \

  • Reply 11 of 15

    Once upon a time when I was a younger man and still had all the hair on my head, I had the unique piviledge of having a certain TV channel at home that brought us the 700Club. It was the most ludicrous, vociferous expulsion of natural gas I have ever heard, a notch above Graham, and one of the reasons (combined with hearing Graham) that my family left the church for good.
  • Reply 12 of 15
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member
    Originally Posted by Bacillus View Post

    For all the attacks on the man….I’m left wondering how many of you have actually taken the time to watch him? I used to on occasion before I gave up TV a few years ago. He is not all that bad most of the time – makes some very good points on occasion. Granted he says some odd things once in a while – but I’ve heard worse.

    I've watched Robertson. You can say all kinds of things about him. He's an excellent self- promoter and an expert in product placement. He's also a charlatan and a liar. He often sounds paranoid and has delusions of grandeur. He makes effective use of irrational phobias and hatred to sell his message.

    But one thing for sure: he is no Christian. (Unless the accepted definition has undergone a radical alteration).


    At least he did not claim to invent the internet or something equally nutty.

    Why does this garbage rumor keep surfacing when it has been so soundly debunked?

    OK, I know it's not exactly a very reliable source... but at least in this case they provide the relevant links
  • Reply 13 of 15
    bacillusbacillus Posts: 313member
    To all that respoded to my previos post: It seems like everyone likes to pick on the man. The reason I mention this is because when he suggested the assignation of Chavez a few years ago, some of my acquaintances said similar things to say. When I asked them about it, not one of them had even watched his show, could not name his show, or even what channel it came on. All of them had their opinions formed by what was on late night talk shows and the like; which is hardly grounds to form an opinion as to someons charactor. If you have seen him, and determined he is a blowhard ? then fair enough.
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