Ever Dream of Being An Astronaut?
Your dream of traveling to space and beyond is getting closer and more real every day. I'm excited about this...
Your dream of traveling to space and beyond is getting closer and more real every day. I'm excited about this...
I've dreamed all my life about being an astronaut. Sadly that dream has been crushed by mediocre grades and failing eyesight.
Up to I was about 20 I really really wanted to be an astronaut. I cried watching Gattaca and Contact for the first time.
I have other goals now. I've touched the face of God, and I didn't even leave the ground. 8)
Hmmm, why don't I see a picture (or two, or a video even) of this IN THE AIR?
OK, I just needed to click on the video, ooops.
The Cold Equations Of Spaceflight
The fuel requirements seem to make SSTO highly unlikely.
At least Bill and Melinda are trying to solve realworld earthbound problems!
And to answer the thread's question, YES!
...On the other hand, Contact scared the shit out of me. I can't watch that alone...
Yeah...I don't really know why. I haven't watched that movie since I was about 10 years old. Maybe it wouldn't scare me so bad now...
I've touched the face of God, and I didn't even leave the ground.
children ?
children ?
Heh. Nope.
I'm 28, and children is all too "mature" for me.
children ?
Nothing exotic, just from the quiet but desperate wonderings before I was 20 to coming into my own after that: career, San Francisco, Sydney, sex, life, friends, partying, Jaegermeister, ecstasy, pot, Yoga, meditation, spellcasting, wicca/ witchcraft, trancemusic, making trancemusic, Macs, Mac OS X, iPods, SteveJobs, AAPL share price... In 2004 one session of Yoga in which I experienced a split-second of complete nothingness.
I hit too high notes though in 2004, by the end of which bipolar disorder came on much more strongly, severe anxiety and burnt out of the graphic/web design scene. When you do touch the Face of God, sometimes you soared too high it's a long way down. Now I'm learning about the Quiet Eternity of simple daily joys. Heck, it could be changing nappies, but that's not what it is at the moment. 2005/2006 have been, well, learning how to fly by just gliding smoothly.
I still assert that my drug use in 2003/2004 was not that frequent and it was Yoga that really made a lot of difference in my outlook and philosophy on life. Plus my alcohol-fuelled partying from 19*years old is nothing extreme compared to average 20-somethings in the US/ Australia.
*Drinking age is 18+ in Australia.
Man, I really loved Contact, too... but for me, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Star Wars were the big ones.
Yeah, that was just some real solid sci-fi fun and engaging content, along with Babylon5, StarTrek-DS9, and X-Files.
The turning point was StarWars: Episode 1. From that point onwards, I realised, time to grow up.
Gattaca, Contact, and The Matrix was the real "next level sci-fi" stuff for me. Only the new BattlestarGalactica comes close-ish. But I'm glad I "graduated" to this "next stage".
How ironic, in 1999, I was devastated and depressed after StarWars 1 and what junk it was. Who would have known a few months(?) later walking into this thing called "The Matrix" would open my mind and redeem 1999 for me.
Yeah, that was just some real solid sci-fi fun and engaging content, along with Babylon5, StarTrek-DS9, and X-Files.
Gattaca, Contact, and The Matrix was the real "next level sci-fi" stuff for me though. Only the new BattlestarGalactica comes close-ish.
Forgot about Matrix... heh. Had to see that one twice before I really started to get it.